UK: In England and Wales, sex ed = non-compulsory. Focus: biology (Reproductive system, foetal development, and changes of adolescence.
Big difference between schools about contraception use and safe sex
Britain's got one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in Europe.
Scotland relationships and emotions are part of their sex ed. Contraception and STI's as well
Catholic Church was not happy with this --> own program --> abstinence only.
USA: Big differences between States. 21 states abstinence only, 7 say it should be taught. Abstinence only and abstinence plus. Sex ed starts for some at age 11 and for others at 17. Focus on dangerous side of sex (STI's, pregnancy) and not on birth control and fun.
Netherlands: Ferguson, R. M., Vanwesenbeeck, I. & Knijn, T. (2008) high contraceptive use among youth. Comprehensive sex ed. Liberal country, liberal and open sex ed. Double Dutch. It's your own decision, we just give you the information and the tools was the aim of the Dutch Long Live Love program. Sex ed compulsary in primary and secondary, different ages get different parts of sex ed. Everything is normal; masturbation, homosexuality etc.
Germany: Sex ed is mandatory. In general comprehensive sex ed but some difference between schools on contraception use. Low birth rate between ages 15-19; 11.7 per 1000
Sub Saharan Africa: Family life education and Global Gag Rule. US presidents wanted that sex ed in countries in need covered abstinence only sexual education. Obama turned this around. Current situation unknown