What are the hidden costs of our modern day North American lifestyle and is it worth it?
(Science 14 Unit D)
Unit D SLO's
Skills, Communication/Teamwork & Attitude
Future Knowledge GLO's
Future Opportunities/Careers
1: Flow of matter is cyclical and can be disrupted by humans
1.1: Food chains - cycling matter
1.2 Recycle & non-recyclables
1.3 Biodegradable
1.4 H2O, CO2, O2 cycle
1.5 Energy in the earth is linear
1.6 Compare recycling and nature's cycling
1.7 Modern agricultural technology and impact on natural pathways of recycling matter
1.8 Identify societies needs, how they resulted in technologies and the consequences (unforeseen)
2: Local system: biotic and abiotic - equilibrium and factors
2.1 Describe two Alberta biomes
2.2 Define biotic & abiotic ecosystems
2.3 Abiotic factors affect biodiversity
2.4 Biotic relationships: movement of energy & matter (ex. energy pyramids)
2.5 Size of populations
(what affects this? - immigration/emigration, birth/death rates, climate change)
2.6 Interactions among organisms: predation, parasitism, competition, limit populations
2.7 Introduction of exotic species on a specific ecosystem or biome
2.8 Altering ecosystems - land use practices (eg. swamp drainage)
2.9 Technological applications change ecosystems (ex. power generation, gas exploration, oil)
Cross curricular GLO's
Unit A SLO 2.5
Background Knowledge GLO's
Research & inquiry skills
Work collaboratively & cooperatively
Defend a given position or issue
Volume of waste packaging of diluted vs undiluted products
Science 7 Unit A Interactions with Ecosystems
Science 7 Unit B Plants for Food and Fiber
Social Studies 10-4
Should we embrace globalization?
particular emphasis on local environmental situations
CTS: Natural Resources
Environmental Stewardship
Science 24 Unit B GLO 4 Fossil fuel technologies & their importance in meeting human needs
Science 10 Unit D GLO 1 Energy flow in the biosphere
GLO 3 Relate climate to biome characteristics
GLO 4 Historical & modern factors that impact climate
Science 14 Unit B
SLO 1.5 How oceans and lakes moderate climate
ELA 10-1 and 10-2 and 10-3
1.2 Extend awareness: consider new perspectives
2.1 Construct meaning from text & context: discern and analyze context
3.1 Determine inquiry or research elements: plan research and identify sources
3.2 Follow a plan of inquiry
4.2 Improve thoughtfulness, effectiveness and correctness of communication
Math 10C Relations & Functions
Analyze data through graphs & diagrams
Environmental Technologist/Scientist
Environmental officer
Bioresource Engineer
International Relations
Food security programs
Impact assessments
Soil & Water Management
Pest & Disease Management
ENS 1010: Social, economic and political significance of environmental stewardship
ENS 1110: Alberta’s natural resources
ENS 2050: Investigate environmental ethics
Primary Resources
PRS 1020: Nonrenewable resources
PRS 1050: Renewable resources
PRS 1060: Consumer products & services
AGR 1100: Agriculture technology
AGR 1050: Plant propogation
Science 20 Unit D: Changes in Living Systems
GLO 1: Ecosystems and ecological succession in the local area
GLO 2: The flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems
GLO 3: Adaptation of organisms to their environments, and evolutionary change in an ecological context.
Chemistry 30 Unit A: Thermochemical Changes
GLO 1: Energy changes in chemical reactions
Physics 20 Unit C: Circular Motion, Work and Energy
GLO 2: Work and the conservation of energy
Science 30 Unit B: Chemistry and the Environment
GLO 2: Organic compounds and their effects on the environment.
GLO 3: The risks and benefits of using chemical processes in meeting human needs
Unit D: Energy and the Environment
GLO 1: Balancing the growth in global energy demands with maintaining a viable biosphere
GLO 2: Conventional and alternative technologies that convert solar, nuclear, tidal and other energy sources into useable forms.
Biology 20 Unit A: Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere
GLO 1: The flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems.
GLO 2: The cycling of matter through the biosphere.
GLO 3: The balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere
Unit B: Ecosystems and Population Change
GLO 1: The biosphere is composed of ecosystems, each with distinctive biotic and abiotic characteristics.
GLO 2: Mechanisms involved in the change of populations over time