T4: Recruitment Policies (p.204)

Internal v External recruits

Lead-the-market pay strategies (p.205)

Employment-at-will policies

Image advertising (p.206)

Good when specialist or high-level skill required

Can be base rate or package options


Effectively 'casual contracts' in NZ

So either party can terminate at any point

Sends bad message about organisation anyway

Low job security


Employee loyalty

Job security

Career advancement opportunities

Highly attractive to graduate recruits

Collins research shows strongly orgs results from this

Can be a slippery slope if too reliant on this option

Can help to reduce effects of poor org reputation, e.g. Walmart

Intrinsic Motivational Strategies

Army uses this to recruit - gain skills for your future

NFP/Community orgs would rely on this also

Alternative to high pay strategies

Appeals more the peoples 'Why' - Sinek

May be used to improve a bad reputation or overcome a scandel

May be used as a differentiating feature - i.e. Mainfreight

Advertising the org/brand - not the specific role


During recessions, strong orgs may take advantage by poaching from weaker competition

Needed when no internal suitable applicant

Noe p.207 - Internal CEO appointments outperform external in several stats

Golf club examples

Intrinsic motivation strategies

Employment-at-will policies in the form of 'casual contracts' used, particularly in one department, 'fixed-term contracts' used in another to fit seasonal needs

Image advertising

Uses external recruitment because generally too small to have succession planning for most positions



Lose high performers when they have no where else to go in the organisation when they have outgrown their position

Disruptive to have to fill most positions with brand new staff and can impact on existing staff morale

Takes a lot of time/energy/cost to socialise external people

T5: Higher turnover costs than when some/more internal recruitment can be integrated with external recruitment

Brings a fresh perspective to the organisation, this is especially beneficial to the golf club which is particularly traditional and archaic in many of its practices and has been performing poorly for over 20 years

Widens the pool of applicants so can bring a better fit to role than what will be available internally

T6: Higher training costs for external recruits, more requirement for organisational culture training

Can motivate existing staff to up their game in order to impress or compete with new recruits, i.e. me raising to the challenge of a new boss

Can offer an opportunity to bring in people with particular insight into the industry or growth direction of the organisation, e.g. my background in F&B



Used well in course dept. in the form of fixed-term summer interns in order to meet seasonal low-skilled requirements and create a pool of potential candidates for permanent positions which have been trialled already

Meets seasonal needs

Low job security and therefore commitment from staff

High and costly turnover as staff find permanent options elsewhere


Should be restricted to the lowest possible number of positions filled this way

Even if employees need to start on casual, they should not stay there for much beyond 3-6 months

In hospo dept. 60-80% staff are casual so this transient/non-commitment culture permeates the whole dept.

Explained: GC is NFP org and leisure activity so can capitalise on intrinsic motivation strategies, this is also linked to image advertising in the form of being a prestigious organisation




Can attract keen golfers for lower wages than they may take elsewhere

Can make up compensation package in the form of valuable perks

Interests can decline and become less of a motivation over time - e.g. Rick with his shoulder injury

Interest in the org activity can be given too much weight during recruitment and selection and can result of a poor person-job fit favouring a person-organisation fit - e.g. Rick

Careful not to put too much weight on potentially temporary aspects of a persons characteristics in recruitment and selection

Ensure there is scope for value changes in the compensation package



Explained: GC uses this, promoting there 'premier' ranking and long history in their recruitment practises


Likely to attract more of the right person-organisation fit

Can lead to more referral recruitment opportunities

Org needs to be able to live up to and maintain the reputation/values it is promoting, GC suffers from this

If too narrow, may reduce the pool of suitable applicants

Ensure image is a true reflection of the organisation