Narrative Essay

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Using Narration For A Purpose


Supporting Details

Should emphasize your topic
and express your feelings

Body Paragraphs



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Should prove a point
in the writing

Narration can entertain because a good story can amuse readers

Begins The story

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You can use narration to express your feelings



You can inform the reader about something

You can persuade someone to do something

Background info

Continue until story is complete

Answer the appropriate journalist questions (May Include)


Can help answer the questions of who, what, when, where, and why.


Background Info



Example: Yesterday, I got new shoes.
They have long white and red stripes
down the sides. They are also very
comfortable and have a picture of
a lion on top.

Satisfying finish

States the point of the story if not done elsewhere

Example: In basketball, there are 5 players on the court for each team during a game.

Helps advance the story

Leaves suspense and makes the
reader want to keep reading

Pattern of Narration

A brief narration is called an anecdote. If you wrote a narrative about how your friend is good at sports. You can include an anecdote about how they scored the winning basket.


Example: '"Get off my lawn!'" screamed the old man as we tried to retrieve our favorite basketball.


Thinking critically about Narration

Is the story truth or fiction

Is the purpose of the narration hurtful

Whether you use a pattern alone or in a combination depends on what helps you achieve your particular writing purpose.

Organizing Details

Makes the piece more interesting.

Helps the author avoid
information that is not needed.

To help signal chronological order you must move slowly through your time sequence, this helps the reader follow the events easier

You usually arrange narrative
details in chronological order so the story makes sense.

Is it original

Tense Shifts (avoid)

Keep In the same tense don't switch, if your in the past tense stay in the past tense

Ex: I walked into classroom and found a seat in the back. As soon as I sat down, Louis Cracked a joke.

What Narration is used for

Police officers write crime reports.

Nurses write narrative reports of their patients' progress.

Using Sources

If you write a letter, you also use narration


Facts n Myths

Myth: A sentence can only have one paraphrase or one quotation

Fact: You can have multiple quotations and multiple paraphrases

Reproduce italics in quotation

Use Quotation marks correctly

Introduce the source

Strategies for writing narration



Generating Ideas

Establishing the point

Selecting a topic