Brian Chesky on Launching Airbnb and the Challenges of Scale Brian-Chesky-750x421

Brian Chesky's Top 10 Rules For Success

Chase your dreams

Ask for feedback

Start with the perfect experience


Always be a start-up

Redesign the world you live in

Be Nuts!

Do more than expected

Have a mission

He and Joe’s dream is to do something that would make an impact

Rather fail doing something he love than always wonder what could have been

Key to learn is having mentors

Key to have mentors is being shameless

Shameless people learn really quickly and are successful

Do things that don’t scale

Start with perfect experience of just one person and get it right then figure how to scale something great

Many people said that it was the worst idea they’d ever heard of

People tried to talk them out of their idea

Continue to think, look at the mountain top, not worry not look down

“Start-ups die of suicide, not homicide”

You exist because no one else could do what you can do

A lot of people go through life thinking that they’re living in someone else’s world

Anything around you is designed by someone else with less information that you have today

Why didn’t I think of that? It’s such a simple idea.

The most common thing which people said is “Are you nuts?” when they think of the idea years ago

To build something people love, you need to do something more than they expected

Every moment is an opportunity to do something slightly more that people expect

Mission is to provide people the feeling of belonging

Believe in the idea

Just need to experience it and it would just take more time

Believe that if people could experience what they’ve experienced, then this would be an idea that would spread

Everything will be fine and tomorrow’s a new day

How did he start then moving to many cities?

They built this one-click-post to Craig’s list tool

They started a little bit of google advertising.

They also targeted events which is the main ways that they bootstrapped

The main it grew was through word of mouth and PR (Public Relation).

New York was the big city they launched in.

Launched in everywhere that could access the internet.

Network effect

The hosts were in New York, but the travelers came all over the world.

People from all over the world would hear about and discover homes in New York.

After traveling, they would go back to their cities and they’d spread the idea.

They would go from a guest to a host.

The network naturally grew.

Democratic national convention

Music festivals and concerts.

The World Cup ,and the Olympics

They built a tool where they could ,with the single click of a button, click and distribute their post to Craigslist to get more distributions.

The listings would get re-listed onto Craigslist and they would feedback.

In some cities, it’s novel to meet a person who built a product they’ve used.

And if they’ve liked the product, they wanna meet that person.

They went cities by cities, met the hosts ,and educated.

Hosts would get so excited to meet them, and hosts thought they were reasonably nice people that they would tell their friends about it.

And their friends would start doing it.

After hosts meet them, hosts would get more engaged.

And then they’d also photograph hosts’ homes ,give them some tips, and so these markets started turning on.

Airbnb's ads

How to start and run a business?

being a fire fighter

fight those people try to copy you

just try to survive from not dying

Samwer Brothers

government issues

in order to win, their strategy is to let the cities love you

How to find a co-founders?

His or hers mindset has to be stronger than you, or at least equal

the person you deeply trust, like, or admire

They turned Airbnb's real traveler's photos into model scenes, adding to the intimacy of the film, stressing the need to go home.

"Traveling in a stranger's house overnight" became a new fashion, sharing the economy as the most intriguing business model, and Airbnb became one of the most valuable startups in Silicon Valley.

How did he apply design to the office

Steve Jobs used to say, "design isn't how something looks,it's how something works."

The famous Hollywood playwright Ben York Jones to write the script, he disseminates on Twitter the plot tips such as "paper plane takeoff" and "paper cup thrown into trash", inviting users to use their imagination to record a 6-second video with VINE.

When you realize it, you imagine almost everything needs thought and design

Everything can be reinvented, although not everything should be reinvented.

They better have a cool space to work in, so that workers would spend more time in office than they will in their home.

Their core competency was showing cool space around the world

He thought that would be a competitive advantage for Airbnb.

One day he passed the furniture store, he finally figured out how could made the office better

They designed the meeting rooms to be modeled piece by piece after apartment on the website

It's a subtle little reinvention.