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Richard and John: Life and Government in England (Royal revinews (taxes…
Richard and John: Life and Government in England
Richard 1189-99
Claim to the throne
Eldest surviving son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
Experienced ruler : duke of Aquitaine since 1172; successful and proven military leader, favourite son of Eleanor (who held power and influence
Securing the throne
made peace with people who fought against him while Henry II was still alive
appeasing people with other strong claims (John count of Mortain and half-brother Geoffrey, Archbishop of York) but also banned them both from England for 3 years
put loyal men in charge and returned land to nobles who had been Disinherited by Henry II
Government of England
(who had the authority of the king when he wasn't there) while he was on crusade
William Longchamp was left in charge, however the barons didn't like him because:
he was Norman
he paid Richard to put him incharge
replaced sheriffs with his own men
he didn't treat them with respect or consult them on important matters
Financial demands
Why he needed to raise taxes?
Needed to raise money for crusaide
then to win back his land in france
How he raised taxes
John 1199-1216
Claim to the throne
only surviving son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
acknowledged by Richard I as his heir and supported by Eleanor
Securing the throne
supported by Eleanor and leading English and Norman barons
other key men in Anjou, Maine and Touraine supported Johns nephew Arthur (also supported by Phillip II of France)
was crowned quickly and showed religious devotion to inspire his people
left England to be run by men who had governed under Richard, to go and secure his position in France.
Captured Arthur and he dissapeared
Government of England
was much more involved than Richard described as hardworking
Financial demands
Why he needed to raise taxes?
to defend his lands from Phillip II of france
How he raised taxes
increased the tallage on towns
increased fines for criminals
demanded money from widows
introduced more scrutages
the feudal system
most powerful, owned all the land in England but granted most of it to tenants-in-chief. His duty to protect the people from invasion.
paid homage to the king and provided knight services to the king. Advised the king and helped him govern. granted some of the land to knights
vassals of Nobles, provided Knight services. granted some land to peasants
Free men
could travel and work where they wanted. e.g. merchants, craftsmen, farmers. had to pay rent to their lord. were paid for work
Villeins (peasants)
Unfree, worked for the lord in return for protection, shelter and land to provide food for their families. they could be bought and sold. they couldn't leave without permission
Fief or feud
land held by a vassal in return for service to a lord
someone who held their land directly from the king
someone who held their fiefs from a tenant-in-chief
someone who held land from someone else in the feudal system
Jews in England
Role of Jews
Most jews where moneylenders because the Church didn't allow Christians to charge interest for moneylending
there where few other jobs
the moneylending was essential for England's economy because Barons and Knights borrowed money to buy land and positions.
Many Jews where exploited by the king. Jews were forced to pay
at any time and after 1194 if a Jew died without a will then the king collected all his debts
Causes of anti-Jewish pogroms occur in 1189-90
a pogram is a riot against a group of people
Jews where accused of being Christ-killers
false rumors about Jews killing Christian children in rituals
many people owed them money and envied their success in business
Crusaded highlighted religious tension and differences
York 1190
march 1190 Anti-Jewish riots in Stamford, Bury St Edmunds, Lincoln and York: 150 Jew took refuge from the riots at Clifford's Tower in York castle but the castle was attacked
Some men killed their families then committed suicide
others were killed on their way out after the Christians had promised that they could leave and convert but never kept their promise and the Jews where killed
Massacre killed all
allowed to travel where they wanted
allowed to trade and inherit possetions
Aaron of Lincold
A Jew who became the wealthiest man in England by lending money and charging intrest
Duties of a king
the king was in charge of the army and had to lead it into battle. he had to be a brave soldier to win respect and protect the country from invasion
made all the key decisions on running the country but he had to appoint people to help him run it. he also needed to raise money to impress people by delaying wealth.
the king had to settle disputes and punish those who broke the law. people expected the courts and the king to be fair
Religion was an important part of peoples lives. they had to believe the king was chosen by God.
he needed to win the support of the barons by establishing law and order and making them feel safe.
Kings powers
A special right or advantage given by the king to a particular group
men who go out and collect the kings taxes from the royal demesne
a document that gave people certain rights and privileges
royal demesne
Land controlled directly by the king, rather than given to a nobel
Royal revinews
system of raising money for royal and governmental expenses
taxation levied by kings on the towns and lands of the Crown
taxes payable in exceptional
money paid by the son of a lord who died to the king for his inheritence
rights of wardships
meant that the king held the lands of an heir until they came of age
money owed by a tenant-in-chief in place of sending a quota of knights to the king
a document that gave people certain rights and privileges
movable property, especially animals and corn.
everyone had to pay a thirteenth of the value of their rents and movables to the king
harsh fines for committing an offence
the role of the church
they believed that god made them healthy or sick and determined whether they would have a good harvest, so they wanted to please him.
where those who have such terrible sins they cannot be forgiven
where nearly everyone goes to be punished for their sins and then go to heaven
Where those whose sins have paid for their sins in purgatory join God
Wars between Christian and Muslim armies in the holy land
Holy Land
the area around Jerusalem
Hubert Walter
served Richard while on Crusade and was made Archbishop of Canterbury. later became justiciar in December 1198
Hostility, prejudice or discrimination against Jews