cross cultural introduction lecture

The Himba

Load Theory (Lavie 1995)

dominant attentional theory


resolution to early/late selection debate

  1. attentional resources have a limited capacity
  1. task relevant stimulus are processed before task irrelevant stimuli
  1. all attentional resources have to be used up

Assumptions mean: if the task relevant stimuli uses all of the attentional resource then none of the task irrelevant stimuli (distractors) will be processed

increased perceptual load increases ability whereas increased cognitive decreases ability

From Northern Namibia


Traditional self-sufficient living

Rueda et al., 2004

flanker ability linked to temperament

self control "reflects efficiency with executive attention"

Flanker task

used to asses EF

test of conflict resolution

Diamond et al., 2007

executive/attentional control functioning predict and account for unique variance in academic outcome more robustly than IQ

Linnell et al., 2013

remote peoples do not have enhanced WM capacity but do have enhanced EF (until they move to town)

McGilchrist 2009

simple intervention can improve EF, teaching EF skills positively correlates with more accurate flanker responses

Educational endowment foundation (EEF)

launched in 2011

aims to raise attainment of disadvantaged children

the highest impact for least cost focuses on mindfulness and self regulation

Perhaps executive function can be improved by changing motivational or emotional factors

perhaps we have different modes of attention evolved for different purposes in different types of scenarios or environments

left hemisphere: focused vs right hemisphere: open

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