5 great companies that get Corporate Culture right

Great Little Box Company

one of the best places to work

rewarding staff monetarily

readjusted the position of a cardboard cutting machine: $ 2,000 bonus

Netflix :

common sense approach

NO: monitor staff through vacation policies and annual reviews

YES: set clear expectations for its people


not by working hours

by abilities and accomplishments

higher standards

ask people to take responsibility of policy on themselves

recruit more ''fully formed'' adults, who are self-sufficient


acronym MER

Norwegion: ''more''

moro = ''fun''

enere = "No. 1''

respekt = "respect"

people enjoying themselves in the workplace

aspire to exceed their own personal expectations

don't compromise your principles

reaching objectives means nothing if you can't do it with humility and respect

Warby Parker

team dedicated to promoting the company's unique mindset

fun event or program on employee's calendar

give people sth to look forward

pormote an environment where teamwork and fun are valued

i.e. send random employees to lunch together in an effort to encourage greater collaboration among staff


unified corporate culture

reinvesting cash flow into growth

make solar energy more accesible and affordable than fossil fuel

positions for military veterans and college students who have a passion for reversing climate change


sets the tone for your organization

how one person interacts with the next