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prothodontic treatment (approach (force distribution
防止骨吸收 (Cantilever…
prothodontic treatment
complete denture全口假牙
假牙+ implant restoration植體
沒有本體受器, 小心受力過大(側方 垂直力)group function
jaw relation(pure rotation, reproducible)
CR: 無後牙, 改變咬合高度, 全口重建 (關節相關)(缺牙多 全口假牙)
MI: 單顆少數牙重建, 垂直高度咬合狀況不變(牙齒相關)(FPD, 缺牙數少)
jaw movement
anterior guidance 下顎運動接觸點都在前牙, 後牙分開 優先選擇
mutual protection(protect condyle reduce tension側方運動前牙支撐, 上下顎咬緊後牙支撐)
easy fabrication, ant teeth presence, custom inccisal table
group function 前牙接觸不到(無犬齒, 暴牙 戽斗)減少後牙承受的側方力
occlusal anatomy
immediate side shift groove width 設定適當 groove width
若沒有設定好 cement loss, fremitus , heavy contact, 牙齒鬆動PDL變寬 TMJ問題
force distribution
Cantilever effect 懸臂式牙橋, 粗短受到壓力小 避免 後牙 strong anterior 懸臂牙橋
減輕單顆牙承受壓力 reduced direct impaction on isolated tooth
cross-arch, Ante's law(支撐牙面積>失去牙面積), equal distributed occlusal contact, 好的guidance, 減少occlusal table size, 不要有懸臂現象
減少植體所受垂直壓力 reduce verticcal overload on implant
減少 咬合接觸咬合面積 不要懸臂, 周圍有自然牙
減輕植體受的側向力 reduce lateral force on implant
讓咬點咬在植體垂直柱內, 防止側方力(真的有用多棵植體一起承受)
clinical procedure
mounting study cast in CR-Lucia Jig tenique
test odf raised VDO(applying occlusion splint)
diagnostic wax up and making provisionals
toot preparation and making final impression
facebow transfer and making CR bite record
framework try-in and confirm CR bite record
final delivery
因為單牙齦能忍受誤差大, 若有牙齒其咬合不對, 只能透過關節位置去製作假牙以及正確咬合
establishong a new VDO
plot border movement of jaw
find true Hinge axis
kinetic facebow transfer
CR record
用pano tracing 把病患下顎運動轉移到fully adjustable articulator上