Integrative managerial issues

explain globalization and its impact on organizations

How do organizations go global

The things managers need to know about managing in global organization

What does it mean to be "global"

Marketplace globalization

the most common approach to being global

use managerial and technical employee talent from other countries

use financial sources and resources outside its hove country, which is known ans financial globalization

especially high-tech organizations

global sourcing

exporting and importing

licensing or franchising

global strategic alliance

foreign subsidiary

Hofstede's framework

globe findings


a narrow focus i which managers see things only through their own eyes


future orienation

gender differentiation

uncertainty avoidance

power distance


in-group collectivism

performance orientation

humane orientation

How society's expectations are influencing managers and organization

how can organizations demonstrate socially responsible actions

social responsiveness

social obligations

social responsibility

obey the laow

views a business as a moral agents

pursues economic interests

does the minimum that law requires and only pursues social goals to the extent that they contribute to its economic goals

engages in social actions in response to some popular social need


a company's ability to achieve its business goals and increase long-term shareholder value

The factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior in organization

how can managers encourage ethical behavior

What ways can ethics be viewed

rights view of ethics

theory of justice view of ethics

utilitarian view of ethics

codes of ethics

ethical leadership

ethics training

a formal document that states a organization's primary values and the ethical rules it expects managers and nonmanagerial employees to follow

How the workforce is changing and its impact on the way organizations are managed

what types of diversity are found in workplaces

how are organizations and managers adapting to a changing workforce

what is workplace diversity

ways in which people in a workforce are similar and different form one another in terms of gender, age, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity,cultural background, and physical abilities and disabilities


race and ethnicity


GLBT-sexual orientation and gender



contingent jobs

work-life balance rograms

generational differences

family- friendly benefits

contingent workforce