Ok. <break time=".1s" /> here's some cool world record pertaining to people. <break time=".1s" /> Number one: <break time=".1s" /> Did you know that the most pull ups in 24 hours by a female is 3,737 and was achieved by Eva Clarke of Australia on March 10th, 2016. <break time=".1s" /> That's averaging an impressive 156 pull ups every hour throughout a 24-hour period. <break time=".2s" /> Number two: <break time=".1s" /> The most consecutive stairs climbed while balancing a person on the head is 90, achieved by Giang Quoc Nghiep and Giang Quoc Co, both of Vietnam, in Girona, Spain on the stairs of the Saint Mary's Cathedral on December 22nd, 2016. <break time=".2s" /> Number three: <break time=".1s" /> The longest mustache measures an unbelievable14 feet and belongs to Ram Singh Chauhan of India. <break time=".1s" /> It was measured on the set of the Italian TV show "Lo Show dei Record" in Rome, Italy, on March 4th, 2010. <break time=".2s" />Number four: <break time=".1s" /> The greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived is 122 years 164 days old by Jeanne Louise Calment of France. <break time=".1s" /> Born on February 21st, 1875, Jeanne died at a nursing home in Arles, southern France on August 4th, 1997. <break time=".2s" /> And finally, number five: <break time=".2s" />The tallest man living is Sultan Kösen of Turkey, who measured an insane 8 feet, 2.8 inches in Ankara, Turkey, on February 8th, 2011. <break time=".2s" /> Would you like to check out another world record category, return to the all ages lounge or explore a room for your age group? Just say 'another category,' <break time=".1s" /> 'all-ages,' <break time=".1s" /> or 'age-specific', <break time=".1s" /> now.
//Another Category
Awesome. <break time=".1s" /> Let's check out another world records category. <break time=".1s" /> Please say 'animals,' <break time=".1s" /> 'food,' <break time=".1s" /> or <break time=".1s" /> 'size,' now.