Ethical Objectivism: Natural Law Ethics = Ethical Absolutism


Ethical Relativism vs Ethical Absolutism

Three theories

Categorical Imperative Theory

Natural Law Ethics

Divine Command Theory

Contends that there are universal moral values which people can discover by using their rational, intellectual, and emotional capabilities.

One may also observe in one's travels to distant countries the feelings of recognition and affiliation that link every human being to every other human being

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• The challenge for each individual and culture is to discover this immutable natural law that underlies the specific conventions of any society.
(Philosophers Way John Chaffee Pgs259-260)

• Nature, however, embodies the vast realm of truth that exists on a deeper level than social conventions that exist on the surface. These “natural truths” are not relative to each society: they are constant from culture to culture, and from age to age. These truths are rooted in the fundamental nature of what it means to be human. According to this view, there is a natural law that is based on humanity’s essential nature and that is universal and binding on all people.

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The social conventions of a society are the customs and beliefs, laws, and tastes that are peculiar to that society. That is why when you examine the numerous culture is the world, past and present, you find a spectacular diversity in the social fabrics of each society: you are observing the social conventions that age relative to each individual society.

, a grounding that will remove it from the grip of divine command theory, social conditioning, and the shadow land of inscrutable mystery

Natural law ( called also law of nature)

to discover, we need to develop an in-depth understanding of the essential nature of men and women, not simply as they currently are, but as they could be if they were fully morally developed.

Trouble with authors statement

What are the basis requirements of human fulfillment

Full moral development

is that which advances the requirements of human fulfillment

• What are the most enlightened values that humans can aspire to?
• What are the norms of conduct that foster the most meaningful and productive society?
• What are the conditions that maximize an individual’s freedom and personal growth?
• What are the moral responsibilities that we have to each other as members of an interdependent human community?

• “…they could be if they were fully morally developed.”

• We are in a tricky area here; what is morally developed? It is as if we are putting the cart in front of the horse. Morality is what we are supposed to be extrapolating from nature not hypothesizing of a what full moral development would and should be..

Inherent moral laws
o When we have the answers to these questions we then use our reason to extrapolate the inherent moral laws of nature.
o First PP Definition: Natural law ethics contends that there are universal moral values which people can discover by using their rational, intellectual and emotional capabilities.

Why is it inherent?
o Theological Answer…..
Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274)
Greatest exponent of natural law
Humans should live according to their human nature.
(John Finnis (editor), Natural Law 1993)

What is Natural Law?
o Also called "law of nature."
o An objective norm (or set of objective norms) governing human behavior, similar to the positive laws of a human ruler, but binding on all people alike and usually understood as involving a superhuman legislator