OK. Let me think of a word riddle for you.<break time=".3s" /> Oh here's one. <break time=".2s" /> What's full of holes but can still hold water? <break time=".3s" /> I'll give you a few seconds to think about it. <break time="5s" /> Again, what's full of holes but can hold water? <break time="2s" /> You're gonna laugh when you hear the answer! <break time="3s" /> Give up? <break time=".3s" /> A sponge! <break time="1s" /> See if you can guess this one. <break time=".3s" /> What can you hold without ever using or touching your hands? <break time="5s" /> Again, what can you hold without ever using or touching your hands? <break time="5s" /> Give up? You can hold your breath without ever using or touching your hands. <break time=".3s" /> Good one, huh? <break time="1s" /> Ok, one last riddle for you. <break time=".3s" /> Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I?<break time="5s" /> Again, Give me food, and I will live; give me water, and I will die. What am I? <break time="5s" /> Im a fire! Get it? <break time="1s" /> Hey, I'm sorry to say, but even bots like me have to get some sleep once in a while, so I must be heading off to bed now. I really hope you drop by again real soon. Bye!