UNIT 1: Brain and Behaviour

UNIT 2: Social and Developmental




• Biological influences/bases of behaviour

• Cognition

Lesson 1: Major Parts of the Brain

Lesson 2: Four Lobes of the Cortex

Lesson 3: Structure of the Neuron

Lesson 4: Methods for Investigating Brain Function

Lesson 5: Behaviour, Emotion and Thought

Lesson 1: Theories of Intelligence

Lesson 2: Intelligence Testing

Lesson 3: Sensation and Perception

Lesson 4: Physiological States and Consciousness

• Relational Influences

• Communication

• Planning and Conducting Psychological Research

• Processing and Evaluating Psychological Research



Research Methods

• Developmental Psychology

Lesson 1: Aspects of Human Development

Lesson 2: Nature vs. Nurture

Lesson 3: The Role of Play

• Personality

Lesson 1: What is Personality?

Lesson 3: Historical Perspectives

Lesson 2: Measuring Personality

• Social Psychology

Lesson 1: What is a Group?

Lesson 2: Individuals and Groups

Lesson 3: Behaviour within Groups

Lesson 4: Social Categorisation

• Culture and Values

Lesson 1: Attitude Formation

Lesson 2: Measuring Attitudes

Lesson 3: Racism

Lesson 4: Cultural Influences on Attitudes

• Planning and Conducting Psychological Research

Lesson 1: Non-Experimental Research Methods

Lesson 2: Qualitative Methods of Data Collection

Lesson 3: Quantitative Methods of Data Collection

• Processing and Evaluating Psychological Research

Lesson 1: Probability

Lesson 2: Correlation

Lesson 3: Sources of Error in Data

Lesson 4: Evidence-Based Conclusions

Lesson 1: Types of Relationships

Lesson 2: Determinants of Liking

Lesson 3: Relationship Development in Adolescence

Lesson 2: Effective Communication

Lesson 1: Non-Verbal Communication

Lesson 3: Language and Interpersonal Relationships

Lesson 2: Steps in the Scientific Method

Lesson 3: Differences Between Sample and Population

Lesson 4: Experimental Research Methods

Lesson 1: Displaying Quantitative Data

Lesson 2: Interpretation of Data

Lesson 1: Research Terminology

Lesson 5: Ethics in Psychology

EP: 'Components of Neural Pathways', 'The Neuron'

EP: Stimulus-Response Model and 'AUS Y9 Nervous System Folder

EP: Scientific Method Senior Folder

EP: Senior Science Skills Folder

EP: Senior Science Skills Folder

EP: 'Measuring and Controlling Variables' Folder and '2.1 Sample Variability in Maths NZ'

EP: 'Measuring and Controlling Variables' Folder

EP: '1.1 Probability Concepts from NZ LVL2 Maths'