1.0 - reasoning and problem solving - done


equal numbers of odd and even numbers between 2 given numbers

cannot draw a shape with 4 straight sides and exactly 3 right-angles

number of sides in a polygon = number of angles

number of lines of symmetry in a 2-d shape = number of edges

children with longer legs jump further

favourite colour of children in year 1

more than half of children in the class have at least one sibling

counter example


when you add 5 to any number ending in 3 you get a number ending in 8

multiples of 5 always end in 5 or 0

triangles may contain a right-angle but don't have to

special case

a square is a special case of rectangles



  1. Identify what is important (or not)
  1. explain or justify
  1. think through logically

work systematically

tabulate all possible solutions with none left out

represent and interpret simple relationships using concrete materials, pictures or diagrams

match equations to number sentences or diagrams

solve 2-step word problem

estimate results

use inverse operations for checking

real-life examples for calculation

using length/height

using money

using capacity