“All Greece hates/ the still eyes in the white face” (1/2) describing how the Greeks disliked Helen and her cold face. She is challenging the way poets traditionally write about women. Poets before her wrote mostly about beautiful, pure women, often spending stanzas elaborating on their feminine and maternal features (their smiles, hair, their hearts and laughs)
Helen has “still eyes” and a “white face” she has a lack of emotion or feeling, comparable to a corpse.
“the lustre as of olives/ where she stands/ and the white hands”(3,4,5). Looking at just this line for a moment H.D plays into the notion of the traditional “woman” whose white hands and white face are traditional qualities of female beauty. However reading it in combination with her initial image, " the still in her eyes" one sees how she flips the convention on its head. HD is using traditional language in an untraditional way, white does not mean pure and beautiful, but cold and dead