Interview Conversion
Invited to Join Conversion
MyTutor Internal - Weekly Meetings
Schools Onboarding
Interviewer Team
Project Overview
Target Setting
Efficiency (invoices)
Scaling 2017-2018
Scaling 2018-2019
Email Copy
Schools Programme Tab
DBS Payback Scheme
New Revenue and Supply
Scottish Highers
Onfido Helpsheet
Interteam Work
Mailchimp List
Lesson Space Test
2018 - New Year, Improved Me
SQL and Excel
Interview Process Review
Safeguarding line in interviews
- What safeguarding
is - Where tutors can find safeguarding information
Updating recruitment procedures document in light of changes to onboarding
- Second ID check
- References for tutors
- Safeguarding line in interview
MCQ safeguarding test during/post-interview
Spec second ID check (student card) to onboarding flow
DBS uploaded must be approved by the team
Trial interview and hour training session
Feedback and quality assessment
Instant bookings
Schedule Once contacted, awaiting webhook confirmation
December Update
Withdrawing status
Automation on NED profile - two cancellations/MTW attended within 24 hours should flag to support/close account.
Percentage of grads with strikes on their profile
What are grads up to next
Bugs (3.55)
Awaiting Information email triggers
- Tested Staging (UAT8 and UAT13)
Mandrill emails logic to be investigated
Secure side tutor invoices
- No 'end' button or numbered pages.
- Anticipating tutor complaints.
Reported on t-feedback, and left with CG, EJ and SB
Awaiting Interview email logic
- Tested Staging (UAT8 and 11:17)
Tutor Handbook
- Allocated areas with GC, deadline 18/12/17
Schools Emails
DBS and Subjects
ITJ campaign
DBS for Christmas
Add to email flow
Create proposal
Submit to Bertie
Weekly (Wednesday) email
Weekly (Wednesday) email
Spec created, with Fred
RTGL DBS being checked by HM, GC should be checking Lives.
HM to check with ninjas they are updated on procedures
- Tier 4 visas
- Awaiting Information
First FM and Tutorial
Top Tutors - gift packs
- Tutors + 250 tutorials
December feedback in progress
Different subjects per interviewer?
Interviewer Videos
Webinar series
- Spec logic for MiaBs with SL - submit
- Add National 5s / Highers / Advanced Highers as a subject tutors can offer, and customers can filter for
- Email all eligible tutors with instructions about how to update their profiles
- Update Subject Policy with GC to reflect Scottish qualifications
- Meet with MS to plan out a targeted Highers recruitment strategy
- Work with GW to start marketing based on National 5s and Highers
- Spec logic for MiaBs with SL - submit
- Add ‘University Tuition’ as a level tutors can offer, and customers can filter for
- Determine with GC whether there are restrictions on who is eligible to tutor at this level
- Include comms to tutors in the Tutor Newsletter
- Premium
- Year of degree
- Specific subjects and courses