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Contraceptives (Fertility Awareness Methods(FAM)/Natural Methods (Alyson…
Fertility Awareness Methods(FAM)/Natural Methods (Alyson Chu)
Definition: Recognizing the days in the month, during a women's menstrual cycle, when pregnancy is possible and using other contraceptives or avoiding on those days.
Has a 24% failure rate, but varies depending on the method.
Does not prevent STDS
Calendar method: marking menstrual cycle on a calendar and predicting days where fertility is possible
Temperature method: check temperature every day(body changes temp during menstrual cycle).
Cervical mucus method: checking for cervical mucus
Risks: does not protect against STDs and has a lower success rate
Using ovulation test kits is one method to check when the ovulation cycle has began
Hormonal Methods - Jessica Montero
A small and flexible ring that releases hormones into the body through a woman's vagina.
Can be 99% effective when used correctly, but is usually only 91% effective.
Waiting will create a sure way of lessening the chances of unwanted pregnancies and having health problems.
Risks include feelings of nausea and discomfort,
Waiting will ensure a person’s health is the best it can be, preventing the possibility of a heart attack and stroke.
Risks and side effects include chest, stomach, back, and jaw pain. Other symptoms include trouble breathing, sweating, hallucinations, yellowing in the skin or eyes, and hallucinations that worsen over time.
Can be 99% effective. In other cases, the pill is only 91% effective.
A form of medicine women take to prevent pregnancy. The pills are usually, safe, cheap, and effective if taken properly.
Morning After Pill
Used within three days of having unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy.
Waiting will lower the chances of major health concerns down the road.
Risks include severe pain, backaches, and heavier period cramps.
A woman wears a patch in the skin of her belly, upper arm, butt, or back. A new patch should be used every three weeks in order for the new hormones to be released.
Can be 99% effective, but usually 91% effective.
Side effects include headaches, nausea, soreness, and bleeding in between periods.
Abstinence will lower the serious health risks women may face in the future if they choose to use a patch.
It is one of the best prevention devices, being 99% effective.
Waiting will ensure a woman's health is maintained and in good condition throughout her life.
Risks include nausea, headaches, breast pain, weight gain, and possible infection where the implant was inserted.
A rod that releases hormones in the body that can protect a woman from pregnancy for up to four years.
Waiting will lessen the chances of severe mental and physical health concerns in future years.
Risks include depression, heavy bleeding from the vagina, and yellowing in the skin and eyes
An injection is given by a doctor/nurse every three months to prevent a pregnancy.
More than 99% effective.
Barrier Methods (Katie Stone)
82% effective if always used correctly; not always correctly = 71%
May leak from vagina
A chemical that kills sperm
Does not prevent STDs
Round sponge containing spermicide placed in the vagina
91% effective if always used correctly; not always correctly = 84%
Does not prevent STDs
May cause vaginal irritation or make sex to messy/dry
Cervical Cap
Small silicone cup placed in the vagina
86% effective if you haven't given birth; if you have = 71%
Does not prevent STDs
May cause toxic shock syndrome or trigger an allergic reaction
Female Condoms
95% effective if always used correctly; not always correctly = 79%
Can slip into vagina/anus during sex
Plastic tube placed in the vagina
Mostly prevents STDs
Flexible rubber cup placed in vagina; used with spermicide
94% effective if always used correctly; not always correctly = 84%
Does not prevent STDs
Requires inserting additional spermicide before each sex act or after 2 hours
Male Condoms
A thin cover placed on the penis to catch semen
98% effective if always used correctly; not always correctly = 82%
Mostly prevents STDs
May break during use, removing its effectiveness
Intrauterine Devices(IUD) (Sarah Villani)
99% effective
4 brands-ParaGrads, Minena, Liletta and Skyla
ParaGrad-since the sperm doesn't like copper it's almost impossible for the sperm to get to the egg
Minena, Liletta and Skyla- the first way they can work is to thicken the mucus that lives on the cervix, which blocks and traps the sperm, and two the hormones also sometimes stop eggs from leaving your ovaries which means there's no more egg for a sperm to fertlize
Benefits of copper IUD's-can do not remove it yourself, periods might be worse but it lessens over time, can slip out of place over time,
Benefits of hormanl IUDs- you have to get someone to put it in and remove it, won't have to think about birth control, when you take it out everything will start to be normal in a few weeeks.
Disadvantages-can't remove it yourself, they can fall out, increase cramps while on your period
copper IUD's(is a small flexible device made of soft plastic copper) ParaGrads are specially made for copper IUD's
Hormonal IUD's- are a type of intrauterine contraception, a tiny device is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy
T-shaped piece of plastic in your uterus to prevent pregnancy
Abstinence (Brittany Reed)
Physical Health
Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy
About 1 million teenage girls in the U.S. become pregnant every year.
Avoid Sexually Tansmited Diseases
About 1/2 of the diagnosed cases of STDs occur among teens and young adults (between the age of 15 and 24)
Some STDs have cures others do not. If left untreated there are more risks: in males can cause sterility and infertility. This results in not being able to have babies.
some diseases can be fatal
Social Health
negatively affect relationships with other people, including family
provide opportunity to pursue new interests or friendships
tension in families because of feelings od disapointment and worry
teens who experience and unplanned pregnancy may have to put education and career on hold
Mental/Emotional Health
teens are not prepared for emotional demands
Hurt: partners may not be committed for marital relationship
guilt: not truthful to parents
regret and anxiety: result of sexual activity (STDs and unplanned pregnancy)
loss of self respect, goes against values
Only 100% effective method to eliminate health risks associated with sexual activity
increase intimacy between partners
no side effects
Risks of sexual activity
unplanned pregnancy
Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sterilization/Permanent Methods (Kiah Smith)
Definition: A surgical procedure that makes a male or female permanently incapable of reproducing.
Tubal Ligation: Is a minor surgical procedure where, the Fallopian Tubes are cut or tied off.
Tubal Ligation is 99% effective to preventing pregnancy.
Tubal Ligation does not prevent STIs.
Risks: rare chances of surgery going wrong.
Side Effects: reaction to anesthetic.
Vasectomy: Is a surgical procedure where the Vans Deferens is cut or sealed.
Vasectomy is 99% effective to preventing pregnancies.
A Vasectomy does not prevent STIs.
Risks: low risk of infection
Side Effects: little pain, short term tenderness, short term bruising, possible reaction to local anesthetic.