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CHP9 - The EU supra/national dimension to FP (Lisbon Treaty (abandon the…
CHP9 - The EU supra/national dimension to FP
Dept with explicit function of coordinating national policy vis-á-vis the EC
Not being a member of NATO did not represent any basic ambivalence toward European political integration, statement reassured those partners that IRL support
Resource Transfer
revamped structural funding was predicated upon long term and strategic planning issues
IRL net receipt of EU funds doubled, 1st decade of increased eu structural aid ,2.6% of annual GNP
the pursuit of direct transfers from Europe to IRL occupied much attention from policy makers
changes in turn acted as a cataylst for the attraction of in creased foreign direct i
these changes in turn acted as a catalyst for the attraction of increased foreign direct investment
CAP -The common Agricultural Policy
EU came under external pressure to reform the trade- distorting effect of CAP
allowed for a gradual and sometimes painful transition away from prices supports and towards direct income support to farmers
CFP - Common fisheries Policy
Hague Preferences - Belligerent/Non- Belligerent
acknowledgement of its ongoing ties with UK and opportunities to loosen those bonds through deeper economic and politcal eengament w/ EU
Common Market - contribute to greater competitiveness in production and export
fear that IRL was too weak to compete on a equal level
manufacturing,industrial jobs would be lost to EU
Modification of these obligations that might be negotiated having regard to our circumstance, IRL was pleading for a special case
Reduced emigration and higher living standards
voting yes would mean surrendering Irish Indepedence
"holy trinity" of irelands institutional engagement
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and common security and defence policy (CSDP)
IRL'S Permanent Representation(embassy) in Brussel
EMU - move away from sterling - decision had a political well as an economic rationale
Irish Policy makers set about the associated budgetary and regulatory reform with considerable zeal
ECOFIN - the council meeting of EU Finance Ministers
Dismissed these concerns as ill-formed and the reprimand as disproportionate
1987 single European act (SEA) - sought to place their informal system of foreign policy co-operation onto an explicit treaty base
European Political Co-operation (EPC) which prompted, the supreme court's 1987 decision
EU treaty change to the electorate is a function of both popular political expectations and specific legal advice from consecutive attorney General
Treaty of Maastricht which included the further development of European level of FP and common defence
reinforced the level of ambition behind foreign and security co-operation and introduced the new office of the High Representative for CFSP
199 Helsinki summit - Rapid Reaction Force
European Defence Agency (EDA)
Treaty of nice - highlighted ongoing national sensitivities with these and other development within the EU foreign,security and defence policy
Conflict resolution Unit - bilaterally but also through the framework of the union's CFSP
Schengen Agreement
1996 white Paper on IFP - Irl people increasingly see the EU not simply as an organization it belongs to but a part of its furture
rejections of the Nice and Lisbon treaty exposed the fragile and shallow basis of Irish Idenification with the EU
arab dialogue - 1973, german unifaction in 1990 the successful preparation of the amsterdam treaty - under irish presidency
Political Capital - within EU and bialarerally with parnters then to deploy this
85billion EU/IMF bailout
seen as being punitive and designed to protect the interests of the larger EU players
Lisbon Treaty
Groud Campaign in support of ratification - 2nd time
Ireland is not bound by any mutual defence commitment
IRL National declaration reaffirmed the triple lock over the deploypment of Irish force oversea
No -combination of attitudes to european integration,lack of knowledge of the EU
Libertas,Cóir - vote NO side
European defence Agency and its provided for a new framework of military co-operation, Permanent Structured Co-operation
Proposed sliming down
with formal recognition being given by both the EC and european central bank
Single Legal Personality for the EU
abandon the constitutional aspect of the project
was a catalogue of amendments to the exiting treaties, mainly maastricht
intended to replace the 4 main european treaties in one
European Convention on the future of Europe
More democracy transparency and efficiency in the EU
Laeken Declaration recognised that EU institution needed to be reformed