George and Lennie dream
One day owning their own farm
Hopefully be their own bosses
They hope their drem one day will become true so they can have a better life
Live off the land
Lennie gets very excited about it
Dreams of taking care of Rabbits and other animls
How can you argue that the dream that George and Lennie shared was an important part of their relationship?
Brings them closer together as the work to achieve their common dream.
The dream- a Place of Comfort belonging-security
Without dreams and goals, life is just and endless stream of days With no Connection or meaning
Lucky to have each other , and to be together through their life
Not usual in the 1930s
Having own place-independence
Lennie-tending the Rabbits and a place where he doesn't need to be afraid
the telling of the dream
by George Lennie listens
done often
Dream dies With Lennie. Lennie killed while George tells the dream
Why would George lie to the boss?
The boss would not know
That he could handle it for himself
George think that's the best for everyone
The best for Lennie
didn't want boss to know how mentally challenged Lennie was
Said that they were releted
Because boss wouldn't understand why two men would travel around together when Lennie is mentally challenged
in this setting, you simply don't look after People like George dis this was unusal
What are some similarities between the way the dog is treated and the treatment of some human beings.
What does Crooks say about the dreams of all the fieldhands that he has met at the farm?
What are some of the diffivulties that curleys wife has on the farm?
Which characters are lonely?
curleys wife
Tries to hard to get atention
African American
Candys dog stopped it
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Only female
Curley forbidden her to talk With People.
Not allowed to the bunkhouse
loneliness, isolation
the impossibility of the american dream.
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curley's wife
actress,married curley
candy wants a house/small farm for himself
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