Should we boycott trade on ethical grounds



It would have to be a global boycott

It represents 'neo-colonialism'

Would raise issues globally

Environmental risk with some firms

It would reduce consumerism and waste

Lower poverty if higher wages

It's just Wrong

Can buy from alternatives (Charity Shops etc.)

Low wages slow down economic growth

Does Consumption fuel happiness?

Cheap labour benefits buyers not sellers

Boycotts are powerful in changing government behaviour

Would it reduce employment?

Price rises so less employment, more poverty

What do we mean by 'ethical'?

Necessary stage in development - Rostow

Some UK consumers can't afford expensive clothes

Global Boycott unlikely

If it's legal in the country can we change it?

Crimes rates would rise

Must acknowledge Standard of Living is different

Source of export earnings

Trade has impact on wider community

Promotes our industries

No incentive for LEDC's to stop unethical practices

It is some county's Comparative Advantage

Boycott is influence on sovereignty

It adds value (Making clothes and sourcing materials)