Heal Your Life

I want to become a HYL workshop leader. How do I do it?

Attend the HYL leader training.

What is the cost of the training?

Is there pre-requisite training required to become HYL coach?

I want to become a HYL coach. How do I do it ?

Attend the advanced coach training

What is the cost of the training?

Yes, HYL workshop leader training.

Where are the workshops conducted?

Teachers training in USA

Teachers training around the world

Who will instruct me?

Master trainers

Licensed trainers around the world

Patricia Crane and Rick Nicholas

What HYL Coaches promote?

In-depth personal development work, to lead a happy life, to rejuvenate

Positive affirmations

What is positive affrimations?

Tips to lead a happy life

How is positive affirmations helpful?

Tips about career, weight-loss, health, prosperity, relationships, and self-approval

Do I need to prepare/read anything before the training?

Yes, you have to read books by Louise Hay

What do I receive after completing this training?

Handouts and CDs for workshop

Certificate of the training

Marketing guides and information of your course

Extensive follow-up after your course

Do I earn anything by leading workshops?

Yes. You can charge approx $2.49 to $395 US for a 2-day workshop.

Is the training authorised?

I cannot travel. Is there an online course available?

How do I get in touch with HYL coaches/trainers? Where do I get started to become a HYL coach?

What does HYL coach training offers that other life coaching programs don't?

Where can I use HYL leader license? Can I use it anywhere in the world?

Registration form

How do I spread the word about HYL?

Social media sharing links

We do not offer an online version of the course but we do have telecourses

What is hyl telecourse

Yes,you can use it anywhere around the world