New Hollywood 1972-1985: Distribution, Marketing, Ancillary Markets
The Modern Blockbuster
New Hollywood Filmmakers
Marketing to the Modern Audience
Ancillary Markets
1980s The Regan Era
1972 The Godfather
Best selling novel
Popular Genre
Brando & Pacino
Francis Ford Coppola
1974 The Exorcist
1975 Jaws
1976 Rocky
1977 Star Wars
The Wide Release
The Seasonal Release
Television Commericals
The Saturation Release
The Mulitiplex
Multiple Screens
1977 Star Wars began on 43, expanded to 1000
1997 Jurassic Park 2 5000 screen
2003 Matrix 2 8000 screens
2007 Spiderman 3 10,000 screens
Pay Cable
Commercial Cable
Home Box Office (HBO)
1975 satellite distribution nationwide
Cable delivered to subscribers
Ted Turner
1976 The Superstation WTBS Atlanta
Satellite distributed, cable delivered commercial channel
1977 USA Network
1979 ESPN
Movie and Music
Home Video
1956 Videotape introduced
1968 Videocassette
1975 Betamax; Betamax decision
1977 VHS
Late 1970s Prerecorded Videocassettes
1979 Home video gains market
1980's Video rental store
Late 1990s DVD
Sell Through Price Point
Francis Ford Coppola
Steven Spielberg
George Lucas
Woody Allen
Martin Scorsese
Formula Found
Reintegration & expansion
Multi screen theaters
Successful filmmakers
1983 Flashdance
1984 Beverly Hills Cop
1986 Top Gun
1987 Fatal Attraction
Indiana Jones
Friday the 13th
1967 Star Trek, Mission Impossible
Martin Davis
Paramount Communications 1983-1993
Barry Diller
Michael Eisner
Jeffery Katzenberg
Don Simpson
Charles Bludhorn 1966-1983