Group 1 - Postmodern Theory

Visual codes

We can see post-modernism in Formation by looking at Beyonce throughout the video, post-modernism argues that modern media texts include "Style over substance"- applying that to this video we can see that Beyonce's political and race message is often overshadowed by the clothes she is wearing (e.g. image 1) just to look 'fashionable' or 'trendy'.


Postmodernism is a set of ideas to describe the way in which culture and cultural artifacts - art, fashion, film, tv literature. have been produced in the late 20th and early 21st century

The Antebellum style dresses that are seen to be worn by Beyoncé and other black women reference slavery and put them in a position of power as they were the dresses typically worn by white women who benefited from the slave trade. In retrospect Beyoncé is changing the image of what it means to be powerful within history, subverting the idea that women especially black women have never held power throughout history.

contemporary culture is so varied and fragmented that no unified theory could possibly explain it text



Postmodern music is either music of the postmodern era, or music that follows aesthetic and philosophical trends of postmodernism.

Snoop Dogg = Shakespeare

Formation is a homage to the black lives matter movement and throughout the video we can see examples of black pride.

media simplifies reallity

"the media conspires with those who hold hold elite power to present reality in a way as to satisfy their own agenders"

The whole music video has example of hyperreality throughout it. It is based on a set and everyone is choreographed to do the needed thing. At the start of the video we see Beyonce sitting on a car which is starting to submerge, which is supposed to represent Hurricane Katrina- which isn't real as Hurricane Katrina was over 10 years ago. Which also links to Baudrillard's theory as it shows hyperreality, simulacra and implosion. (image 2)

Audio codes

'If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper'


a star is not a construct, not a real person. Their identity is based on marketing, and their image is carefully constructed to appeal to the audience

In reality Beyonce includes this lyric not to convey an unrealistic image of her lifestyle but instead to create an idea of black female power within the video, something that is not usually conveyed within the mainstream.

This relates to Baudrillard's hyper reality because stars such as Beyonce are presented as real.

You could argue that on the one hand Beyonce is doing it to homage the political aspects towards black citizens in the USA
but on the other hand it might be a PR scheme to gain publicity. Using her star, "Worlds most powerful celebrity", persona to create the hyper reality that shes a BLM activist or a feminist but in actual reality she isn't...

The Antebellum era is also a pastiche

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Bounce Music

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eg: image three