“The scene with the witch doctor,” explains Meirelles, “comes from a religion brought to Brazil from Africa, called Candonble, that incorporates a lot of saints and entities, like gods that protect the sea and the winds. Different archetypes called orixas. In this scene, a very mean orixa – presented through the witch doctor - gives Lil’ Ze’ his power. But he is told that he can’t screw anybody with that amulet on. Later he rapes a girl. We don’t see the rape actually happen. Instead, there are three seconds showing only the amulet.”
The priest can tell Lil Z wants power. 'You want power.' Following with giving the amulet saying 'Do not fornicate with the amulet. Or you will die." This foreshadows his downfall of power when he rapes Knock Out Ned's wife. The amulet is blessed and given significance from Religion.