Step 3: Conduct Functional Analysis, to find the cause of the behaiviour and how to correct it.
The 3 major force factor are:
Antecedent- whta happens before the behaviour (Request, rules, presonal needs, instructions, desire)
Behaviour- what is said or done (Performance)
Consequences- What occurs after the behaviour has occured (feedback, results, self-satisfaction, praise, critism
Step 4 - Development & implementation of intervention strategy
- Objective of intervention strategy
Encourage disirable behaviour
Weaken undesirable behaviour
- Through shaping, the use of selective reinforcement
Step 5: evaluation of intervention
- Effictive, when desired behaviour is shown more often or undesirable behaviour lessens
- Method to compare results, using the baselinse measure and compare with data after intervention
- Behaviour chart
Charting the frequency of behaviour will review the sucess of failure of the intervention