After an arduous climb, once at the top of the hill, the entire island lays out before you. Beautiful may it be, it sends a chill down your spine. Suddenly, like a spec in the distance, a ship begins to reveal itself! Woo-Hoooo! Even's heading your way! What do you do next? Say, 'Fire flare', or 'Fire pistol', now.
//Fire flare
Probably not the best choice, considering the fact that on such a bright day, the flare goes completely unnoticed as it blends into the blazing sun. Fortunately, the ship is continuing towards you. What now? Say 'Forget ship', or 'Fire pistol', now.
//Forget Ship
Frustrated and tired, you decide to save what resources you have left and give up on signaling the ship. You begin the trek back down the hill, totally dejected. Back on the beach, the sea is to your left. The jungle is to your right. Now what should you do? Say 'Go left', or 'Go right', now.
//go right
entering the dense jungle, you find it difficult to make it even a few feet without getting drenched in sweat. Ahead, you swear you can hear rustling and maybe even a person, or people, murmuring quietly. What do you do? Say 'Investigate noises' or 'go away from noises', now.
- 2 more items...
//Fire pistol
You fire the pistol straight up in the air, but it's to no avail, as the distance is far too great for the ship to hear it.