Containers used for shipping meaning economic purposes —> we notice they are a few main hubs concentrated in this small area : hubs like : Bahamas, Miami Trinidad and Tobago, New Orleans and Panama Canal they are the principal hubs in the Caribbean—> a lot contained in such a concentrated area the sizes vary depending on the island but we can see that the port occupies a great deal of the area —> meaning : very active and dynamic flow = fully involved in trade. The hubs are also well known areas/destinations meaning they are also form some renown touristic destinations : more human flows (especially temporary migration)
A few main hubs in the Caribbean, with different flows —> Major shipping route East, West, South and North.
Overall this document shows us that the Caribbean is a very dynamic area that trades a lot mostly with North America (proximity) but also trades with Middle East, Far East and Europe —> major shipping routes are all around the world even though most of them are concentrated in the area they are shipping routes going to the far East, South America and Australia too. Thus providing with further evidence that it is a very dynamic area and is not limited to only a few shipping routes in approximate areas.
Now with the process of globalization and improvement in material and human flows interfaces are not uncommon and the Caribbean basin is one of them (source 2)