CHAOS ENGINEERINGCompanies, People, Tools & Practices

Experiments In Production

End-User Companies

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Training Experiments

Experiment Tools & Framework

Disaster Recovery Testing

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“application resilience” as a service

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Latency Monkey
By introducing communication delays at the communication layer level, a tool that allows to test the tolerance to the loss of performance of an external component whose system is dependent upon, up to the simulation of a complete cut - an infinite delay ; without having to ask the partner concerned to cut his service.

Framework and tooling to test how user experience will degrade in different failure scenarios associated with downstream calls. It provides a seamless way to simulate failures across our application stack with minimal effort.

Provides an automated, systematic way to trigger/simulate infrastructure failure in production, with the goal of helping build applications that are resistant to these failures.


Jay Parikh
Vice president and head of engineering and infrastructure uploaded image


Bhaskaran Devaraj
Senior Director, Site Reliability Engineering at LinkedIn uploaded image

Hosting and Cloud Companies

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Framework to safely, securely, and easily simulate real outages with an ever-growing library of attacks.
Chaos Engineering: the history, principles, and practice


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Chaos testing and network emulation for Docker containers (and clusters)



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Free, open source project that enables you to create and apply Chaos Experiments to various types of infrastructure, platforms and applications.

Platform for your teams to apply Chaos Engineering to their rapidly evolving, business critical Cloud Native microservices and platforms so they can build confidence that those systems won't fail your users.

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Russ Miles
Chaos Engineering Officer (CEO) of
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Jesse Robbins
Former Amazon « Master of disaster »
OrionLabs Founder and CEO
Creator of Gameday AWS
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Former fireman uploaded image

Gameday AWS Interactive, six-part series to get hands-on cloud computing experience uploaded image

Days of Chaos
Inspired by AWS GameDays to test the resilience of its applications, teams volunteer applications in a Day of Chaos. Every 30 minutes, operators simulated failures in pre-production. Teams earned points based on detections, diagnoses and resolutions. This type of gamified event helps to introduce development teams to the concept of resilience.

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Chaos Monkey
The first tool developed by Netflix, it allows random selection of instances in the production environment and deliberately put them out of service.

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Ariel Tseitlin
Investor, entrepreneur, and accomplished technology executive
Former Cloud Director at Netflix
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Nora Jones
Senior Chaos Engineer at Netflix, formerly at Jet.
Co-author Chaos Engineering (O'Reilly 2017)
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Search Chaos Monkey
Search Chaos Monkey has been instrumental in providing a deterministic framework for finding exceptional failures and driving them to resolution as low-impact errors with planned, automated solutions.

ChAP : Chaos Automation Platform
ChAP enables engineering teams to run Chaos Engineering experiments on live traffic in production in order to build confidence that their service will degrade gracefully when non-critical downstream services fail.
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Casey Rosenthal
Philosopher. Traffic and Chaos Engineering Manager

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Hailstorm drives integration tests and simulates peak load during off-peak times

uDestroy intentionally breaks things so we can get better at handling unexpected failures

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Disaster Recovery Program (DiRT)
Google runs an annual, company-wide, multi-day Disaster Recovery Testing event—DiRT—the objective of which is to ensure that Google's services and internal business operations continue to run following a disaster.


Kripa Krishnan
Director, Cloud Ops & Site Reliability Engineering
Google's Queen of Chaos
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Aaron P Blohowiak
Co-Author of O'Reilly's "Chaos Engineering". Work on distributed system reliability and design @ Netflix.
O'Reilly Velocity San Jose 2017: Precision Chaos

Lorin Hochstein
Putting the engineering in computer science
and the science in software eng. Academic refugee.
Chaos engineer, Netflix


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James Hamilton
AWS VP, Ex-Microsoft Research
About testing in production, 2007

FIT: Failure Injection Testing
Platform that simplifies creation of failure within our ecosystem with a greater degree of precision for what we fail and who we will impact. FIT also allows us to propagate our failures across the entirety of Netflix in a consistent and controlled manner.

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Tammy Butow
Site Reliability Engineering Manager
Now at Gremlin Inc.

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Chaos Lemur
Cousin to Chaos Monkey, but built for Pivotal Cloud Foundry

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Paul Harris
Staff Software Engineer

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Chaos Gopher
Chaos testing/engineering in GO


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Matthew Campbell
Ex-General Purpose GO Hacker at DigitalOcean
Cofounder at Loom Network
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Gremlin Fault Injection Tool

Open Source Failure Induction Framework

An implementation of Netflix's Chaos Monkey for Kubernetes clusters

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Chaos Kong
King of Gorilla and drop a full Amazon Region

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Matt Fornaciari
CTO - avid practitioner of #chaosengineering
Former at Salesforce and Amazon

Map created by :

with the help of Chaos Engineering Slack team and Chaos Community

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Ali Basiri
Senior Software Engineer
Wreaking Havoc

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Bruce M. Wong
Stitch Fix Eng - keeper of chaos, breaker of systems :: formerly practiced at Twilio, Netflix, Adobe
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Greg Orzell
Cloud Distributed Systems Architecture Consulting, at Crispy Mountain GmbH
Founded the Simian Army

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James Burns
Software Architect at Stitch Fix
Former Tech Lead at Twilio

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Sergiu Bodiu
Passionate IT craftsmanship #blitzscaling, avid student of life, autodidact, #cloudnative evangelist.
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Luke Koweski
Senior Software Engineer and a founding member of the Traffic & Chaos team at Netflix
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Simulate error conditions using "disruptors"

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Shay Holmes
Sr. Director, Engineering Services

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Suresh Visvanathan
Nemesis Architect & Lead

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Pavlos Ratis
Graduate Software Engineering MSc student at the University of Glasgow, Open Source Developer

To prepare for the loss of a datacenter, Facebook regularly tests the resistance of its infrastructures to extreme events. Known as the Storm Project, the program simulates massive data center failures.

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David Halsey
VP, Performance Engineering, Fidelity Investments

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Kyle Parrish
Innovative, multi-dimensional leader focused on Technology Risk and Information Security in Financial Services

Something or someone missing ? Don't want to be on the map ? Please send me your feedbacks

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The Ultimate Ressources to prepare your Gameday by DiUS

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Thomissa Comellas
SRE causing chaos at Dropbox,
previously at StanfordEng, TeslaMotors.

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Chaos Monkey
Allows random selection of instances in the production environment and deliberately put them out of service.

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Processkiller Monkey
Cousin of Chaos Monkey, e little more definitive...

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Latency Monkey
By introducing communication delays at the communication layer level, a tool that allows to test the tolerance to the loss of performance of an external component whose system is dependent upon, up to the simulation of a complete cut - an infinite delay ; without having to ask the partner concerned to cut his service.

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Fulldisk Monkey
Allows to full a disk and test resilience of application, specillay logging

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Properties Monkey
Allows to modify properties of an application and test resilience of application.

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Monké Go
Not a monkey, but a automation platform to run monkeys during integration testing


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Christophe Rochefolle
Experienced IT executive providing technology & organization to improve quality & agility of IT systems, Chaos Engineering fan
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