The Secret Life of Bees


Deborah and T Ray



August Boatwright was a very wise person. She always knew the right thing to say. She was a very successful business woman. She had her own honey business.

June Boatwright was a very tough person. She was hard to get along to. She was afraid of commitment. She later on learned how to live life to the fullest and decided to get married to Niel.

May Boatwright was a very different person than June and August. She had the mentality of a child. She was a very sensitive person as well. She commited suicide because she could not take anymore pain.

These women offered a home to Lily and Rosaleen when they arrived from escaping T Ray and the law.

Lily was a very self-centered girl. She only cared about what her problems were and did not think about what others were going through.

She was abused by her father and she believed her mother abandoned her becase she was unlovable.

She accidentaly killed her mother with a gun.

She helped Rosaleen escape from prision and became "fugitives".

Rosaleen was like a mother to Lily. She has taken care of her since she was little. They have been together since then.

Rosaleen got into trouble with some white men and got beat up and sent to jail because of it. Lily and her ran away after that and ended up with the Boatwrights.

Rosaleen had some kind of bond with T Ray. When it came to T Ray hurting Lily, she protected her and T Ray just backed away.

Rosaleen became very close to May in her time with the Boatwrights. She felt a lot of pain when May died. She later on became a crucial member of the Boatwrights.

Deborah abandoned T Ray and went with the Boatwrights because she had no more love left for him.

T Ray became hurt when this happened and treated Deborah really bad. When Lily accidentally killed her T Ray took all of his anger on Lily.

When T Ray found Lily with the Boatwrights he was so full of rage, that he confused Lily with Deborah and began to hit her.

T Ray was hurt by Deborah's death and finding out she had lost all love for him.