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19th and 20th Romanov Tsars (Nicholas II (Years of Reign 1894-1917, He met…
19th and 20th Romanov Tsars
Alex I
Alex was constantly torn between his grandmother Catherine who raised him, and his father Paul who he was taken away from as a child
He went to war with Napoleon which ravaged Russia taking hundreds of thousands of lives, and destroyed the most accomplished cities. Even though they won the war, the loss of life and cities took a personal toll on Alexander
In November of 1825, it was claimed that Alexander faked his own death, and disappeared to become a monk. Some think he went into the woods somewhere and killed himself, or died naturally, but either way he ran away from the throne and his duties
He was part of a coup plot to throw his father off of the throne. It's said that he didn't know Paul would die. The more liberal rebellions wanted Alex as Tsar because they thought he'd make Russia more liberal, but he ended up enforcing autocracy.
He signed the treaty of Tilsit declaring France as an ally, and he joined the trade blockade against Britain, but later switched sides in an effort to move away from Napoleons revolution
Years of Reign: 1801-1825
Manipulative, good at heart
Nicholas I
Nicholas shot at the Decembrists (revolutionaries who wanted a constitution) in front of the winter palace. The ones he didn't kill were jailed for going against the Tsar.
Years of Reign: 1825-1855
He personally oversaw punishments for the decembrists and was very invested in this cause because they rebelled against him. FIve of the leaders were executed, and most of the rest were exiled to Siberia
Russification: He forced countries like Poland to speak Russian.
In February of 1855, the tsar died, but many believed he poisoned himself because of his defeat in the Crimean War, instead of the claim that he had Pneumonia.
Nicholas firmly believed in Autocracy. His overpowering autocratic rule caused revolutions to grow in secret, when he thought they had died out.
Naive, defeated
Alexander II
He dealt with the defeat in the Crimean War, and tried to withdraw the troops with as much dignity as possible.
Years of Reign: 1855-1881
He abolished serfdom. It was a long and horrible process and didn't just go away in an instant. The serfs were emotionally attached to their land, and wanted to buy it. The wealthy owners said they could do so, but serfs didn't have enough money, so they had to work until they paid off the land.
Had many liberal reforms including; modernizing, trial by jury, he freed the decembrists, and banned capitol punishment
He started to focus less on foreign territories, and more on strengthening Russia's borders. In turn He sold Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States in 1867.
In March of 1881, Alexander received the wound that would cause his death. He was in a bulletproof carriage when the revolutionists set a bomb right outside it. The bomb went off and he stepped outside to help the people that had been wounded without realizing the revolutionists had another bomb.
Catalyst, unfinished
Alexander III
He wanted to be a true Autocrat because his father died in tribute to the revolution. He was extremely harsh to the people who took part in killing his father, and ended up publicly killing the revolutionaries.
Years of Reign: 1881-1894
During his 13 year reign, capitalism and the industrial revolution happened. Russia's industrial revolution was extremely late compared to other countries. Alex was set on getting them up and running after such a long time.
He modernized the military which helped with the start of WWI. The country avoided conflict more than other countries which helped increase their standing in the world.
He repressed religious minorities especially Jews. He forced them to live in communities, and didn't discourage groups who went to these communities to pillage, rape, and kill the Jewish people. He was extremely antisemitic and stopped Jews from getting a higher education
He died in October of 1894 after succumbing to his kidney injuries from 6 years prior. He had been in a train crash, and being an amazing dad, lifted the roof off of his family hurting his kidney in the process.
Spiteful, family-man
Nicholas II
Years of Reign 1894-1917
He met his wife at the ages of 16 and 14. They continued to have daughters who wouldn't be able to take the throne until they finally had a son who ended up having Hemophilia.
Alexandria brought Rasputin in who was a monk/healer, but had a creepy sexual side to him. Rumors developed that he organized palace orgies, had an affair with Alexandria, and that he controlled the royal family.
During his reign strikes developed, the economy dropped, in production, and Russians thought he was corrupt.
Father Gapon led thousands of poor workers to the Tsar's palace in support of communism because many citizens were starving and angry in wartime. Nicholas's troops fired on the people and killed/wounded thousands. Instead of controlling the crowd, this action caused rallies and strikes.
He and his family were brought to a remote location in Siberia. They were later taken down to a basement and shot by ordered soldiers because the Romanov's family wouldn't stop fighting to restore them back to the throne.
Russia went to war with China over a piece of land called Manchuria. They were extremely humiliated by the loss.
Loving, berated