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How can bipolar disease be managed without medicine? (History…
How can bipolar disease be managed without medicine?
Aretaeus of Cappadocia began the process of identifying the symptoms of bipolar as early as the first century in Greece. These notes went largely unnoticed for many centuries
The ancient Greeks were responsible for the terms mania and melancholia, which are now the modern day maniac and depressive.
In the first century it was common for people to executed for having bipolar disease or other mental conditions. As the study of medicine advanced strict religions stated that these people were posed by demons and should be put to death
In the 17th century Robert burton wrote the book, the anatomy of melancholy which addressed the issue of treating bipolar.
Centuries past and little new was discovered about bipolar disorder until French psychaiatrist Jean-Pierre Falret published an article in 1851 describing what he called "la folio circulaire" which translates to circular insanity. The article details people switching through severe depression and maniac excitement and is considered to be the first documented diagnosis of bipolar disorder
Numerous studies have found that people with bipolar often have at least one close relative with depression or bipolar disorder.
Excersise is a natural treatment for depressions and in some cases acts as an antidepressant
Excersise is also beneficial for sleep, overall health and it can also act as a mood stabilizer.
Daily routine can also be an excellent way to treat bipolar without medication.
It has been shown that a strict bipolar routine involving good sleep, hygiene, eating, sleeping and socializing can be a natural mood stabilizer
Excersise releases endorphins, which are known as the brains "feel good" chemicals. Overtime higher levels of endorphins can improve your mood. This is why excersise is reccomended for people with depressions. It's also used as a stress busting measure, as well as one that might prevent symptoms of the blues
Although many medications are helpful, in mild cases many people would prefer to use more natural means, such as herbs or essential oils
There has been very little research availability regarding the effectiveness of essential oils, and bipolar disorder, but many testimonies state that they have gotten positive results from using essential oils for their maniac depressesive diorder.
Some essential oils are rosemary, lavender, and rose
Rosemary is good because of its ability to remove stress, and general inhalation of rosemary essential oil has been proven to decrease the level of cortisol, which is one the main stress hormones, in the saliva.
Lavender is also good for removing stress since it is a calming oil. It also can be very helping in treating migraines, headaches, and depression. The refreshing aroma revolves nervous exhaustion and restlessness while also increasing mental activity
Rose oil boosts self esteem, confidence and mental strength By sending signals to the thalamus, then to the amygdala, which then releases oxytocin which is responsible for us being able to feel happiness, empathy, and like were connected to the people around us
Facts that don't have a category yet
Bipolar disorder is one of the most highly invested neurological disorders.
The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that over 2 percent of adults have bipolar disease. Of these nearly 83 percent have severe cases of the disorder
Lithium salts in baths calmed manic people and lifted the spirits of depressed people. Today lithium is a common treatment for bipolar patients
Mania is a unique syndrome in that it is very heritable. It is also very predictive of a bipolar course of illness. Mania is characterized by a loss of emotional control and extreame mood states, from euphoria, to lability, to irritability.
Very little is known for certain about the genetics of bipolar disorder. Studies suggest that variations in many genes, each with a small effect may combine to increase the risk of developing the condition.
Some of the penetic changes associated with bipolar disorder have also been found in people with other common mental health disorders such as schizopherania.
Genetic factors for about 80% of the cause of bipolar disorder. That means that heredity isn't the only cause of bipolar disorder. If you have family history of the disorder it doesn't mean youll develop the disorder as well
Children who have a parent with the disorder have about a 10%-25% chance of developing the disorder as well
Sub types of bipolar disorder
Bipolar 1 means they have at least one manic episode and one or more major depression episodes. It's equally common in men and women with the first episode in men usually being mania and the first episode in women being major depression
Bipolar 2 disorder means they have major depression , and instead of full-on-mania they experience hypomaina; high energy, impulsiveness, and excitability, but its less severe as full fledged mania. It's more common in women than men
Cyclothymic Disorder means they have less sever mood swings and their episodes shift from hypomania to mild depression. They have rapid mood changes with four or more episodes of major depression, mania, hypomania, or mixed symptoms within a year. May have more than one episode in a week or even a day and its more common in people who have their first episode at a younger age
Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder includes the same fluctuations as maniac and depressive symptoms. The difference is that the cycles are shorter, so people experience shorter more frequent burst of mania and depressive posts. This is considered the most sever form of bipolar disorder
About 6 million people,or 2.5 percent of the U.S. population have bipolar disease
Olfaction is a chemoreception the forms the sense of smell. Olfaction has many purposes such as the detection of hazards, pheromones, and food. Olfaction occurs when odorants bind to specific sites on olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity. Glomeruli aggregate signals from these receptors and transmit them to the olfactory bulb, where the sensory input will start to interact with parts of the brain responsible for smell identification, memory and emotion.
Rhodiola, also known as rhodiols rosea this herb has been used for year to help manage stress, and has also demonstrated positive effects on people struggling with depressions, while rhodiola doesn't ease depression to the extent Than an antidepressant will, it has fewer side effects
Using herbs with prescribed bipolar medication can cause the medication to be less effective or it can cause bleeding, high or low blood pressure, organ liver damage and rapid heart rate
Passion flowers have a soothing effect to nerves, which can help to provide the proper balance of neurotransmitters in the brain. It must be taken daily to provide the necessary relief, but it can also reduce insomnia and it is said to provide relief from the feelings of excitement during the manic stages of bipolar disease
Ashwagandha works as a nerve tonic that can help to improve the symptoms of bipolar disorder. The university of Pittsburgh found in a study that an active ingreadient in aswagandha was able to improve 3 separate cognitive functions for those suffering from bipolar disorder. It helps with auditory-verbal working memory, social cognition, and reaction time
St. John's Wort has become super popular for the treatment of depression over the last two decades. This is available by prescription only in Germany since it can make you more sensitive to sunlight.
Bipolar disorder and the brain
Experts believe bipolar disorder is partly caused by an underlying problem with specific brain circuits and the functioning of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters
Three brain chemicals, noradrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine are involved in both brain and bodily functions. Noradrenaline and serotonin have been consistently linked to psychiatric mood disorders such as depression and cupolas disorder.
There have been a lot of advances, particularly through neuroimaging techniques to better understand where bipolar disorder live in the brain and what regions are involved.
The amygdaloid is a enteral component to emotional control, particularly with threat response and assessment, and is asscotiated with the emotions of fear and anxiety. These emotional systems provide feedback and input into other components of the network, including the cognition and dorsal prefrontal cortex.
In human beings, when the ventral, or emotional brain, is online the cognitive brain is decreased in activation. All of know that when we are upset we don't pay attention and focus as well
For picture: the red in the bipolar brain is increased activity particularly in the emotional regulation centers
Causes of bipolar disorder
Maniac depressive disorder or bipolar disorder is a variant of classic depression. It usually begins with depression and develops into alternating periods of depressions and mania.
There are several theories on what the causes of bipolar disorder are. It may be triggered by extreme stress, or it can be hereditary . Researchers believe that it can be caused by early experiences such as loss of parent or other childhood trauma may play a roll
Those with previous childhood symptoms of psychological disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder and schizophreanea can be precursor to bipolar