Attraction, Love and Relationship


fun facts

test for attraction

--> first kiss test

gay people sae attraction preference as straight women

tshirt smell study --> dont liek family smell

mere exposure effect

reciprocal liking

halo effect

--> one characteristic of a person makesoutshines all the bad ones so we dont notice them

enthusiastic tone

woman masculin for short term
but keeper face for long term

--< changes also with menstrual cycle, masculin at highest point of fertility

first kiss = huge impression on wheter we find someone attractive or not ?? hmm dont knwo about that one watch video see if credible lol

chemicals of love

--> oxytocin increase
--> serotonin decerase
-> dopamin increase
--> norpeinephrine

socail competence nasal ocytocin spray experiment


Sternberg Triangualr

--> passionate, intimacy and commitment
----> if all three = consummate love <3
ot about ideal relationshop but whta makes one :p


--> pasionate feelings


--> knowing the other person + closeness
--> self disclosure (reciprocal)


--> to stay in relationship
--> becomes more important in long term relationship

----> if all three = consummate love <3


--> intimacy + passion = romantic love
--> intimacy + commitment = companion love
--> passion + commitment = fatous love