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FINAL Themes & Subthemes ("CAPACITY" OF PARTNERS,…
FINAL Themes & Subthemes
networking with local PAs & other VCE agents to identify community needs and ways to partner/recruit FBOs (14:262-265,294-297)
networking with interfaith food pantry shuttle (14:88-91)
Cold calling & sending FBOs newsletters/info on the program/services available to offer the FBO (14:87-88,102-105)
Referrals by former agents in area (11:147-154)
Invited to join coalition that needed someone to lead faith-based wellness initiative (10:149-165)
approached by church director who was retired FCS agent (13:117-121)
networking with champions from current FBO partnerships (6:299-304)
through former partnership working with FBO in different capacity/job (6:246-254)
Approached by church to do PA classes (9:159-162)
Reached out to churches in low-income area (8:102-107)
Networking & Meeting During Other Community/VCE Events (1:213-221; 4:319-328; 9:347-352)
Referrals from Program Assistants (4:328-332)
Invited by churches to give nutrition ed. (8:61-63)
Difficult to identify & measure low income FBOs on the front end, before pursuing partnership(13:173-180,239-241)
Hard networking as an outsider/new person when starting in an already very tight knit community (10:355-359)
identifying low income qualifying church on front end can be unreliable b/c you don't officially know until entry forms are completed (11:164-174,176-179)
FBO may not feel there is a need/function for nutrition ed at their church (12:124-126)
Finding qualifying low-income FBOs (12:126-127)
Initial Networking challenges - difficult getting churches to learn who the agent is & what she can do/offer them in terms of nutrition ed programming (8:127-129/133-135)
Finding a discreet way to identify whether or not FBO has mostly low-income population (4:692-631)
FBO recruitment strategies - meet pastor with PA & describe what each of them can offer FBO (programming & policy changes) then offer to church based off their interest (10:213-224)
Recruit/Identify FBO partners - attending community events sponsored by FBOs or Ecumenical Ministries (6:478-483,491-501)
Networking/Partnership strategies - collaborating with PA to identify/network with local FBOs (10:93-95,360-365)
Partnership Recruitment - visiting FBO & talking to pastor in-person to share what VCE has to offer (8:265-270)
identify/recruit FBO partners at faith denomination association meetings, like Baptist Association (11:199-208)
Strategies for success - identify FBO needs 1st, then offer resources/programs based on needs (8:287-290)
Recruit/identify FBOs - networking at target population's common cultural gathering areas to find out where they attend church, e.g., Hispanic grocery stores (6:457-464)
Partnerships - identifying/recruiting FBOs who are actively involved in community (1:390-392) or have community leaders in their congregation (1:409-411)
identify/recruit FBOs - networking at local "resource council" meetings (13:284-293)
FBO recruitment - partnering with christian food banks to identify potential FBO partners (12:178-183)
Effective Leadership
having a good relationship with a pastor who is interested in a program builds enthusiasm from congregation to participate (11:228-231)
FBO Setting Strengths
FBOs setting assets - ability to reach & develop relationships with people they serve beyond just the program participants (4:715-720)
FBO Setting strengths - church child care centers are dependable locations, will likely be around for long time (4:454-459)
FBOs enjoy getting resources from agents (e.g. curriculums), because it's no cost to them as long as they qualify (4:460-462)
Skilled/Qualified Volunteers
Recruitment of volunteers at FBOs to deliver curriculum (9:360)
Program Resources & Bi/Multi-lingual volunteers to help non-English or limited English speaking populations (4:659-661)
Curricula - Variety & Availability
being able to allow the same curriculum/program resources to program attendees that were offered to the volunteer trained to deliver program (14:406-415)
Curriculum Variety & Availability (9:360-367)
greater # of curriculums available to agent (13:307-308)
Framework/toolkit for adapting programs to fit different faiths/denominations, including their different cultural/religious food practices (6:516-525,541-549)
Language resources - translating materials for various diverse populations/cultures to use (12:154-160)
Funding & Incentives
more program incentives to facilitate curriculum/lesson messages (13:311-316)
program incentives to encourage participation from start to finish (12:202-206)
program incentives to reinforce learning experience during & post-program (14:415-18)
food demos as incentives to encourage ongoing program participation (12:208)
ongoing program incentives (11:250-253)
Incentives for FBOs as a whole over the long term to continue promoting healthy changes, like health fairs, cooking demos or food tastings (10:381-400)
FBO support providing facilities/some snacks during FFESMM program, instead of always having agent provide (11:254-257)
Money - having to charge participants small fee for FCS programs vs. SNAP-Ed (1:418-428)
Agent Training
Cultural awareness and sensitivity around religious & food practices of different faiths (6:672-684)
How to reach, recruit, partner & work with FBOs; common challenges that arise & strategies to overcome them (6:633-635)
Inter-agency Partnerships
Leveraging partnership with & strength of PAs to help implement FFESMM program as a team (11:264-268)
Partnering with other specialists with VCE, like master gardeners to help sustain community gardens at FBO sites (4:641-649)
Programming - engaging youth during lecture components of programs (1:253-256)
Programming - catering to & challenging various fitness levels for youth participants (9:225-231)
Finding interested volunteers in FB community to train to deliver nutrition ed curriculums in FBOs (9:295-302)
Lack of leadership role in coalition to promote programs to FBOs causes interest to fizzle out over time (10:294-308)
High employee turnover prevents projects from moving forward (10:313-15)
Transportation for participants getting to FBO for program (8:192)
Willingness & interest of congregants to make healthy food policy changes at FBO (8:192-196)
Challenge to find FBO leader/representative to step up & lead FFESMM lessons (11:130-138)
Program barriers - funding for project (14:235)
Program barriers - cooperative weather for gardening projects (14:252-254)
challenging to identify new ways of offering programs/nutrition ed to FBO population that doesn't see as much turnover, as compared to schools (14:372-380)
Program - Using a group-based format encouraged strong social support & sense of community (9:188-98)
strategies for program success - having enthusiastic pastor supportive of program (11:232-236)
strategies for success - having open door policy to assist FBO nutrition ed or programming needs in whatever capacity they need (14:420-427)
strategies for programming success - getting confident & excited lay volunteers trained to deliver program (13:348-356)
Strategies for success - partnering with community spokesperson from FBO who acts as champion for agent & promoting program(s) (6:439-449)
Programming - having someone within the FBO to deliver curriculum (9:326-330)
having new/fresh programming ideas to offer FBO over time to keep partnership sustained (14:357-368)
Programming - having hands-on activities to better engage audience (1:250-252)
Programming facilitators - scheduling nutrition ed curriculum/lessons during/after regularly scheduled FBO gatherings (e.g., after mass or during Sunday brunch) (6:528-32)
Shared values - building relationships between FBO-Community-Academic partners fostering mutual learning & a shared commitment to help others in the community (14:209-230)
compatible climate - partners having similar interests & goals helped build a stronger sense of community (9:185-7)
Program assets - nutrition ed topics typically align with religious beliefs of caring for body physically & spiritually (6:287-288/294-299)
FBOs already act as existing support groups for its members & easy to leverage that to build healthier communities (10:336-41)
Partnerships - Building personal relationships with people in charge of the program at each FBO strengthened the partnership (1:275-281)
Identifying an FBO as "low-income" to see if they qualify for programming can create resistance or make FBO feel guarded by that label (4:585-597)
Challenges & pushback trying to implement HE policy changes at FBOs if congregation isn't interested in making healthy changes (4:552-555)
Not all curriculums available to offer FBOs include faith-based adaptation & may be less attractive to FBO (6:315-321)
potential for personal beliefs, work perspectives &/or faith partner beliefs to misalign (6:405-422)
Identifying low income FBOs (6:658-671)
Partnership barriers - FBOs may be reluctant to partner with agents from state funded agency group (6:626-630)
Cultural sensitivity &/or unawareness of food practices of different denominations (6:428-434,704-713,719-722)
Unable to help all interested FBOs b/c they don't meet low income target population qualification (13:163-168)
FBO may prefer agent teaches the curriculum rather than having someone from FBO trained to deliver it (13:340-345)
having a FBO interested in FFESMM, but don't qualify as low income target pop setting (11:111-119)
some FBOs prefer to have agent lead FFESMM curriculum lessons, rather than trained congregant lay leader (11:133-138)
Agent unfamiliarity with religious practices/eating habits, doesn't want to make assumptions (12:136-140)
Partner/Programming challenges - working within time frames of FBO & getting your project to align with the FBOs time frame/leadership commitment (14:236-248)
finding FBOs that are REALLY interested in working with agent (14:319-323,329-339)
finding low income target pop is more of a challenge for FBO settings compared to other settings (e.g., schools) (14:308-312)
Recruitment strategies for success - attending a church services to present program to congregation (14:78-83)
FBO partner recruitment strategies - aligning available resources to fit needs of FBO/community, e.g., helping start gardens in food desert location (14:59-66)
Goodness of fit - Building relationships with partners based on mutual trust & respect (1:493-496)
Focus programming efforts by assisting/partnering with church ministries who serve overlapping low-income populations (e.g., food banks, homeless), then grow from there (4:562-569/598-603)
Compatible climate - being respectful of the FBOs time, goals & needs beyond the program itself (1:308-315)
strategies for succes - being flexible/having a give & take relationship with FBO, e.g., having a presence within FBO or attending some FBO events (14:340-350)
strategies for success - setting up MOU highlighting partner responsibilities & how program will be tailored to fit FBO interests/needs (14:107-115)
Catering & Engaging FBO Audiences that don't change often/have low turnover, especially in rural areas (1:358-363)
Getting program data from FBOs reported back to agents in a timely manner (4:462-468)
getting paperwork (demographics, MOUs/partner agreements) from participants & FBO volunteers before initiating curriculum (13:241-245)
getting data reported back to agent from FBO (13:246-256)
FBOs not liking lengthy assessments to evaluate progress/changes made in program or policy changes and are not currently measuring related outcomes (10:452-470)
sustaining partnership - staying updated with contacts/locations especially w/ high turnover (14:354-356)
Partnership assets - establishing initial rapport w/ FBO & clarifying role, responsibilities & resources that can be provided by snap-ed agent (13:265-272)
FBO partnership assets - FBOs with established health ministries are more interested in partnering (11:214-218)
Scheduling program/classes to align with other regular FBO meetings (e.g., Wednesday evenings) (8:231-236)
strategies for success - finding creative ways to grow/expand FBO partnership to serve community (14:428-437)
SNAP-Ed Agent's vision for future role working with FBOs
Partner with master gardener (4:669-672)
Train staff to deliver nutrition ed. (4:677-679)
teaching nutrition ed. (4:676)
Support role & train-the-trainer (9:393-396)
training preschool teachers to deliver curriculum (6:347-353)
partnering with ecumenical ministries group to develop program(s) for needy populations (6:353-369)
helping FBOs create healthy policy changes (6:604-617)
train staff to deliver nutrition ed curricula (13:110-114)
partner with FBOs with existing food pantries to reach target population (6:134-136)
cooking events @ FBOs (13:136-140)
provide resources & ongoing support to FBOs (13:339-340)
develop materials for coalition/initiative to assist FBOs in creating healthy policy changes (10:102-112)
teaming up with PA who delivers nutrition ed at FBOs while agent assists FBOs in creating wellness policies (10:112-116)
assist PA in training volunteers to deliver program at FBOs (10:184-186)
acting as a resource to identify programs, facilitates, people or other resources to fit needs of community (10:421-431)
trying to identify interested/snap-qualifying FBOs interested in FFESMM (11:109-111)
primarily training and providing resources to FBOs with FFESMM (11:364-365)
sometimes teach classes (11:365-366)
primarily providing resources & support to fit needs of FBO interested in programming (12:223-227)
networking to identify/build relationships with FBOs in community & determine their needs/interests (14:446-454)
Future Program Interests/Opp
Balanced Living with Diabetes (1:301-307)
FFESMM (4:679-681; 13:110-114; 11:107-111)
garden curriculum at FBOs (4:475-491)
Integrating FB nutrition ed curriculum into weekly bible study (9:267-272)
"Daniel Plan" FB weight loss program (9:281-4)
bilingual ESMM curriculum (6:334-341)
LEAP Curriculum @ church childcare centers (13:407-414)
doing FFESMM policy changes at FBOs (10:172-179)
identifying nutrition ed/policy change opportunities/interest of Vietnamese FBO (12:99-104)
Populations Interested Working With
Youth (1:443; 235-236)
Population - Adults (1:443)
Seniors (1:444-445)
ESL Families (4:654-656)
Hispanic/bilinguals (6:334-341)
older adults (13:321)
Children (13:322)
underrepresented Hispanics in community (11:342-348)
underserved Vietnamese community attending FBO (12:86-90)
FCS Agent's Vision of future role working with FBOs
Delivering Nutrition Ed Programming (1:460-461)
Agent's role
delivered some nutrition ed. lessons (1:145-149; 8:61-63)
trained volunteers/childcare educators to deliver curriculum(s) (1:135-137; 4:275-286; 6:121-125,128)
Provide curriculum/kits (4:275-286)
coordinate volunteers (8:122-124)
trained church high-schoolers to deliver nutrition ed program to children/youth (6:113-119,136-43)
promote Cooperative Extension (8:62-63)
Assistant camp director for garden camp, then became community liaison - recruited FBOs to start community gardens, not assoc. with VCE (14:54-57,139-143)
Programs / Curriculums used & Populations targeted
OrganWise Guys, faith-based adaptation (1:153)
Youth, elementary-aged: (1:158-159)
Teen Cuisine, targeted tens (1:153)
faith-based adaptation, targeted teens (1:53,162)
Family Focus Program (8:150-4)
targeted parents/Families of young children up to 5 yrs (8:150-154)
fitness-based PA classes (boot camp & running program) (9:72-4)
Running program for adults at FBO (9:94-9)
integrated boot camp into youth church summer camp, faith-based (9:91-4)
LEAP, preschooler curriculum (4:214-216)
faith-placed, church childcare setting (4:227-228)
semi-annual health fairs with christian ministries (not VCE-related) (6:99-102)
Leap curriculum at christian childcare center (6:95-99)
OrganWise Guys - delivered to k-2nd grade while parents attended BLD (6:102-109)
shared recipe/food resources with congregation during wellness kickoff event at a church (13:104-109)
Grant establishing/sustaining local community gardens (14:42-49)
gardens used for underserved students to use that were participating in summer camp (14:66-70)
some parent involvement, volunteering on weekends (14:122-131)
Adaptation of Programs Delivered at FBOs
Used as church "Outreach Program" to engage/bring in youth during evenings after school (1:195-200)
FB/Spiritual Adaptation of Program (1:200-202)