Waves of Democratisation - remember these are dependent on women and inclusion of minorities etc
-- a group of transitions from non-democratic to democratic regimes that occurs within a specified period of time and that significantly outnumbers transitions of the opposite direction in the same period
:male-teacher: :books:
1st wave = 1870 - 1920 e.g. Britain, France, US -- after revolutions and WW1 (womens UK suffrage 1917/18)
between these two waves we have fascism (Spain) authoritarian(Germany) communism (Russia) 'the first reverse wave'
2nd wave = 1943 - 1962 e.g. India, Israel, Japan, West Germany
this was a period of recovery after WW2 and consolidation
3rd wave = 1974 - 1991 e.g. Spain, Portugal, Russia (breakup of Soviet)
recent wave of democratisation = Arab Spring 2010/2011
end of history - the idea that systems have developed to such an extent that it represents the culmination of the evolutionary process