ISLAM monotheistic/Theocracy
Feast Days and Celebrations
Muslims - name for the Islam people
Five Pillars
Arabian Culture
Considers fellow monotheistic people "People of the Book"
Ramadan - fasting period during the 9th month of the calendar; no eating between sunrise and sunset
Night of Power and Excellence - Gabriel appears go Muhammad on Mount Hira
Confession of faith
Role of Muhammed - prophet not to be worshiped
People of the book
Mosque - Muslim place of worship (noon on Fridays)
Imam - prayer leader guides believers in prayer (own interpretation)
Charity (must donate 2.5% to poor)
Sharia - governs all aspects of Muslim's private and public life
Social Jihad - Convert the world
Personal Jihad - Everyday struggle within our life
Ramadan - occurs during the 9th month of the Muslin calendar
(no eating from sunrise to sunset)
Al-fana - extinction of mind; what sufis wanted to achieve
Important People
Muhammad: the last prophet/messenger, was born in Mecca about 570 AD, orphaned at early age, married Khadija
Pilgrimage - 3 day journey/pilgrimage of prayer and sacrifice
all Muslims are required to complete the Hajj at least once in their lifetime
Ka'ba (Kabaa) - God's House --> Muslims circle around this once reaching Mecca during their pilgrimage
Khadija: wife of Muhammad, was a business woman and owned a company of caravans
Abu Bakr: Muhammad's successor and father-in-law; first caliph for Sunnis
Sharia Law
Inman: Prayer leader in Muslim community
Gabriel: Angel who came to Muhammad
Sunni Muslims
Adultery, Murder, Alcohol. theft, pre-marital sex, tattoos
90% of Arabs
Believe Caliph should be "rightly guided one"
never allowed to do
Shia Muslims
Drinking tea, approved food,
Persians and smaller percentage
have no opinion about it
Daily prayer, burying the dead
Believe Caliph should be from lineage of Muhammad
You must do it
additional giving of income, beyond what is required
Encouraged to do so
eating garlic pre-mosque, divorce, using too much water
discouraged against
Moses: 613 Commandments and Prophet of the Law
Jesus: Prophet of Golden Rule
Adam: Original Marriage and Prophet of Children
Ishmael: Son of Hagar and was banished to desert because he is the illegitimate son of Abraham
Mahdi: The last Caliph (NOT JESUS), leader that will come and unite the world (will make everyone Muslim)
Caliph: Militaristic leader
Umma: Muslim community
PBOH: Peace Be Upon Him
Caliph should be Ali
5x a day - facing Mecca