Lifting the Skirt on the (Vagina; Forming/Feeling)the Unknown; Introduction

  1. Establish Importance of Research
  1. Present the Background; Establish Research Territory
  1. Establish Research Space or Niche; Gap in Literature/Art
  1. Occupy the Gap/Niche; Present a Hypothesis or Researh Question

Aims & Objectives

Establish the Gap in Literature

Outline the 'Problem'

  1. Definitions
  1. The Chapter Outline


My research is important because there are still products on the market marketed to clean, tighten and cleanse the vagina - Do these link with the myths?

There is still a lack of knowledge about the human vagina and it's function (not just for babies), for example, the clitoris has been poorly misunderstood until recently which affects women's experiences

There are still myths about the vagina

Also historically there are old myths which could be argued still have resonance today - teeth- cleansing - washing - detoxing

Chaupaddis - huts where women sleep during period in Malaysia and were/are a common practice now - also orthodox Jewish women have a bathing ritual as well for cleansing after period. Advertising in the UK focuses on cleanliness/fresh and you can do anything mentality whilst purchasing our products

Limited diets when women are menstruating/exclusion from religious places/from completing daily duties/entering homes because menstruating women are seen as dirty and would cause other people to become sick - infected

The internet allows access to endless information/imagery - how much do we engage with and do we know what we are engaging with in an image-saturated culture

It's important because there is all this history about the vagina which I never knew and it's interesting and absurd.

Establish the myths and the current research

What has been carried forward?

so much shit around the vagina and vulva - it is political what you chose to do with it and the rituals and practices which are engaged with

The research problem is how do I explore something which cannot be seen? How do I translate this in art and coming form a textile background

The gap in the art is finding art which looks at the inside/non-physical form?

Because there is still fear and a lack of understanding