Why is binding necessary? - because of localisation of function, seperate areas of the brain are specialised for perception of different qualities - so when a person sees a red ball roll by, cells sensitive to the ball's shapes fire in temporal cortex, cells sensitive to movement fire fire in an area specialised for motion, and cells sensitive to depth and colour fire in other areas, these are integrated, with all features bound together - called binding problem - addressed by Treisman - features of integration theory
Features of Integration Theory - Treisman - 2 stage process - First Step - Preattentive Stage - analysed into seperate features eg colour and shape - because each is processed in seperate area of the brain, exist independently at this stage. - happens before we become conscious of the object- the perceptual system analyses the book in terms of individual features such as lines with different orientations. Tested this through flashing 4 shapes with black numbers either side - flashed 1/5 sec - followed by dot stimuli - report numbers first and then shapes - reported saw a shape that combined 2 shaped - this was called illusory conjunctions.
Focused Attention Stage The individual features are combined, perceive whole object. Repeated previous experiment with shapes and numbers but told to ignore numbers and were able to see size and colour correctly - eg. RM who had- Balint's Syndrome - symtom is being unable to focus attention on individual objects - reported illusory conjunctions - example of breakdown of the brain can reveal processes that not obvious- mostly bottom-up processing as knowledge not usually involved, however can if shape is a carrot
Visual search - is something we do anytime we look for an object among a grp of other objects eg. Jennifer Hudson or Where's Wally
Conjunction Search - look for the horizontal line but the look for the green horizontal line. RM can not complete a conjunction search.