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IBEC REVISION (THEMES (THEME B (The Environment and Stewardship (Religious…
Origin of the Universe
Christian Ideas:
Genesis 1 says God created the world over 6 days, and on day 7 he rested. Chapters 1 and 2 describe how God created people in his image and made woman from man.
Some Christians think the Bible is a literal account of what happened and disagree with evolution, claiming there is a lack of proof for the theory.
Lots of Christians believe the creation story is symbolic and also believe in scientific theories. A Roman priest was even the first to put forward the Big Bang theory.
Both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church have recognized the benefits of science and religion existing in harmony
Islamic Ideas:
The Muslim creation story is similar to Genisis, It is Allah who created the heavens and earth and whatever is between them in six days (Qur'an 32:4)
Animal Rights
Animals are sometimes used to test products or for medical experiments. Some people see this as cruel, others look at the issue in a utilitarian way; it's the idea that animal testing is acceptable if it could be used to help many humans, making it a lesser of 2 evils.
Animals are also used for food, some say that humans are designed to consume meat. Others argue that hurting animals are wrong, so you should become vegetarian or vegan.
Peace, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation
Peace - the absence of conflict. Organisations like the UN work to find peaceful solutions to end wars and disputes all over the world.
Pacifist - someone who believes that all war and physical violence is wrong. Pacifists also believe that all disputes should be settled peacefully. During the world wars those who refused to fight were known as conscientious objectors and were imprisoned and ridiculed for their beliefs.
Violence & Protests
War - two or more groups or countries fight for (religion, self-defense, tribalism, honour, greed/economics, retaliation) reasons
Protests - A protest is when a group of people join together to campaign for a cause they support. Many protesters do this peacefully how ever protests can turn violent if they feel like their voices aren't being heard.
Just Wars
While most people think peace is ideal, many people realise that sometimes a war will have to be fought. The Just War theory is a philosophical theory that explains the conditions that must be met for a war to be considered necessary.
Must be fought with a legal authority, eg. a government.
The war must be a last resort, after all peaceful attempts of resolution have been exhausted.
Holy Wars
A holy war is one where people believe that God is 'on their side'. Wars are mention in both the Old Testament and the Qur'an
In the past holy wars were over territory or to convert people but now they are fought for various reasons, such as to protect a religion.
Religion is often a factor in modern wars too, but often not the only factor. For example the civil war in Syria didn't start over religion but Sunni and Shi'a Muslims have fought on opposite sides.
Christianity Beliefs, Teachings and Practices
Beliefs + Teachings
"With God all things are possible" Matthew 19:26
"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly father is perfect" Mathew 5:48
"God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16
Genesis 1 also says "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27 NIV) This is important to Christians because they believe that makes humans special and should try to behave like God
3 different interpretations of the Creation Story
- Some Christians take the story literally, they are known as creationists and they believe the process took 6 days and humans are descendants from Adam and Eve
- Other Christians are more liberal in their understanding of the Bible's events. They view Genesis as more of a symbolic description than a recitation of literal events. They acknowledge God as the creator, but are open to other theories like the Big Bang Theory and evolution. The Roman Catholic Church has accepted both theories as they can offer more information to Christians about how God made the universe
- The creation story can help Christians further understand the nature of God. God is eternal as he made time and existed before it. He is omnipotent as he created the universe through words. God's benevolence can be seen through creation too as he gave humans life and gave them the world.
The Afterlife
Many Christians believe that the soul lives on after death, the soul is immortal. The body will be resurrected for Judgement Day, like how Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion on Easter Sunday
Heaven - Portrayed as a place of great beauty and serenity, a paradise where you spend an eternity with God; as long as you believe in Jesus and have followed his teachings you can be saved by God's grace. TEACHING - "The one who believes in me will live, even though they die" (John 11:25 NIV)
Hell - Portrayed as a place of suffering and torment - the final destination for nonbelievers and to those who have led bad lives
Heaven is a physical paradise where your body and soul goes after death if you believe in Jesus and have a good life and you are with God for an eternity. Whereas Hell is a place of great suffering.
Instead of your body, your soul lives on and Heaven and Hell are both states of being instead of physical places. Heaven being a state of being united with God for an eternity and Hell being a spiritual state of being separated from God forever.
Roman Catholics believe in Purgatory, a limbo state of waiting in between the afterlife and earth, where the majority of people waiting for Heaven, have a time of cleansing from sin and preparing for Heaven.
The crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus
Son of God
An angel told Mary in Nazareth that she would have a son and
"the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35)
Sent to atone for humanity's sins so we could once again be one with God. Christians believe sin separates God from man.
Jesus performed miracles, such as curing the blind, healing the sick, bringing dead back to life, demonstrating he was the Son of God and God's love
The Last Supper - Shortly before his death, Jesus and his disciples ate their Passover meal in Jerusalem. It was their final meal together so it is known as The Last Supper. At the meal Jesus gave his disciples bread saying "this is my body" and wine saying "this is my blood" (Mark 14:22-24)
. Luke's Gospel tells us he said "do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19)
Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples; Judas. Matthew specifically says that he did this for "30 pieces of silver"
He was arrested before being tried and sentenced to crucifixion by Pilate. Jesus was then flogged before being forced to wear a crown of thorns and made to carry his cross to where he would be crucified. On that "Good Friday" Jesus died.
Christian belief about sin, including Adam and Eve
Christians believe sin is when someone goes against divine law, made by God. Sinning also can make someone go to hell. However according to Romans 3:23 "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Christians believe original sin comes from Adam and Eve. They were the first humans and it is believed we all are descendants of them. In Genesis 3 it says that a man's body is created from the dust of the earth, from that body a rib is taken and God makes that into a woman. These two are called Adam and Eve.
Christians believe sin separates us from God. This is why Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins so we could be one with God again.
In the Garden of Eden, there was a tree of knowledge which God told Adam and Even not to eat from. However Adam did so which released sin into the world. This is known as original sin
Salvation & Atonement
Salvation is something Christians want to achieve; they want to go to heaven and be in paradise with God for all eternity. However since sin separates humans from God, and all commit sin, we must ask for salvation.
As Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. It is not from yourself or anything you’ve done, but the gift of God.”
This means that salvation is a gift from God by grace. However it is often debated how one accepts the gift of salvation.
Catholics believe you are saved through faith and taking part in sacraments such as being baptized, holy communion and confessing sins to a priest.
a ceremony where Christians believe they receive God's grace. A sign of God's grace working within them
Seen as a sacrament because Jesus was baptized. After his resurrection he told his disciples to go out and baptize people
"go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19)
Makes someone a member of God's family and welcomes them to the Church. Some believe it cleanses someone from the original sin everyone is born with.
The Eucharist
Different beliefs
Roman Catholics - Transubstantiation. They believe the bread and wine used at Mass actually become the flesh and blood of Christ. They also believe every Mass is a re-enactment of Christ's sacrifice.
Methodists/Anglicans - They do not believe in transubstantiation but they believe there is a real presence of Christ in the bread and wine. They also believe it's a commemoration of the Last Supper and a re-enactment
Islam Beliefs, Teachings and Practices
Beliefs + Teachings
"Say 'He is Allah, [who is] One'" - Qur'an 112:1
Saying Allah is the only god is part of Shahadah, the Muslim declaration of faith
Nature of Allah
Merciful - Muslims they believe Allah shows mercy and compassion. Every chapter but one in the Qur'an begin by saying this. They also believe Allah is kind and forgives people's sins
Omnipotent - Allah is all powerful. He controls everything and has predetermined peoples lives although they also have free will
Benevolent - All good, all loving
Al-Qadr (Predestination)
The idea that Allah has decided everything that will happen. Humans can't choose to do something Allah hasn't chosen for them
Sunnis believe that Allah knows everything that's going to happen, they believe humans choose their actions but Allah made it impossible to choose anything other than what he's decided.
Shi'as focus more on free will. They believe Allah has ultimate control and has the power to change things if he wants, but peoples lives are usually determined by their choices.
Day of Judgement
On this day Allah will decide how people will spend the afterlife, based on their behavior during their lives. At this point its too late to beg for forgiveness wrongdoing
Allah will judge everyone. The dead will be resurrected to join those still living. Everyone will receive a record on their good and bad deeds, then be judged
10 Shi'a obligatory acts
Tawalla and Tabarra - Love those who follow Allah and disassociate themselves with those who are an enemy of Allah or Muhammad.