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CONGRESS (acuerdo = agreement, asistencia = attendance, anteproyecto =…
acuerdo = agreement
asistencia = attendance
anteproyecto = first draft - preeliminary draft
actas de la conferencia = official records of the conference
asamblea plenaria = plenary assembly
alcance de una disposicion = the scope of a provision
aplicar - poner en vigor = to apply - to put into effect
aprobar el orden del dia = to adopt the agenda
ajustarse al orden del dia = to stick to the agenda
aplazar = to adjourn
anular una votacion = to cancel a vote
cargo - puesto = office - position
carta = charter
circular = circular letter
comision asesora = advisory committee
comision juridica = committee on legal matters
comite de enlace = liason committee
comunicado de prensa = press release - comuniqué
comunicar titulo personal = to make a personal statement
conceder la palabra = to give the floor
consejo de administracion = board of governors
consejo de direccion = board of directors
constar en el orden del dia = to appear on the agenda
consultor = consultant
convocar = to convene - to summon
dar lugar a una llamada al orden = to be called to order
debidamente autorizado = duly authorized
declarar definitiva una votacion = to declare a vote to be final
discurso de apertura = opening speech
discurso de clausura = closing speech
disposicion - clausula obligatoria = mandatory provision
documento de trabajo = working report
elegido por razon de antiguedad = elected on grounds of seniority
entrar en vigor = to come into force
hacer constar en acta = to place on record in the minutes
impugnar un resultado = to challenge a result
informe de la mayoria = mayority report
invocar un precedente = to invoke a precedent
jefe de delegacion = head of delegation
la presidencia de un Congreso = the Chair
la mocion queda rechazada = the motion is rejected
mandato = term of office
mandato = mandate (instrucciones)
miembro vitalicio = life member
organismo permanente = standing body
organismo que fija las normas = policy-makig body
papeleta = voting slip - ballot paper
pasar a la discusion de los articulos = to proceed to the discusion of the articles
plantear una cuestion = to raise an issue
presentarse a eleccion = to run - stand for election
presentar un proyecto de resolucion = to submit a draft resolution
reanudar la sesion = to resume the session
reglamento interno = rules of procedure - internal regulations
relator - secretario de actas = rapporteur
remitirse al texto = to refer to the text
renunciar al uso de la palabra = to wave the right to speak
reunion de mesa redonda = round-table meeting
presidente saliente = retiring - outgoing president
secretario general = secretary general
segunda vuelta de votacion = second ballot
señor presidente = Mr. Chairman
señora presidente = Madam Chairmain
sesion preparatoria de informacion = briefing meeting
someter la cuestion a la Asamblea = to ask the Assembly to decide on
sortear = to draw lots
subir a la tribuna = to go up to the rostrum
sufragios emitidos = votes cast
suplente = alternate
adjunto = deputy
substituto = substitute
tener derecho a voto = to be entitled to vote
tener el uso de la palabra = to have the floor
titular de un cargo = holder of an office
tribuna - estrado = platform - rostrum
urna = ballot box
votantes = members voting
votacion unanime = unanimous vote
votacion nula = inconclusive vote
votacion sin debate = vote without debate
votacion a mano alzada = vote by a show of hands
votacion por levantados y sentados = vote by sitting and standing
votacion nominal = vote by roll call
votacion de listas nominales = voting for a list of candiates
votacion uninominal = voting for a single candidate
votacion por poder = vote by proxy