The Slight Edge
How the Slight Edge works
Living the Slight Edge
The beach bum & the millionaire
The first ingredient
The choice
The secret of the penny
Your decisions matters. Things are easy to do and easy not to do. Small consistent actions over a longer period of time changes things. The process is plant your seeds, cultivate & then harvest.
Simple little decision, simple little disciplines compounded over time.
Positive Philosophy, good attitude, positive decisions, positive results, positive lifestyle
Simple little things everyday, simple actions everyday compounded over time
Good knowledge leads to good decisions. Knowledge up anxiety down.
Convert learned knowledge into actions. Combine learned knowledge n activity knowledge.
Take responsibility of decision you have made, instead of blaming others.
Food example, reading books example compounded over time will change things.
The water hycinth
It doubles by itself, you will see it covering the pond in a month
Easy to give, but never runs out - Love
Easy to give but not always easy to have - Money
Impossible to give, can only be gained - Knowledge
The Slight Edge
What choices we make matters
How to do something is already available
Change your thinking, change your philosophy
consistently doing something is important
positive philosophy, positive attitude, positive actions, positive results, positive lifestyle
Do to get power rather than asking for power first and then to do something
The small things you do everyday matters compounded over time
The secret of easy things
simple things which are easy to do & easy not to do
Yearly total number of hours we have, how we utilize it, what actions we take
The slight edge is always working for you or against you
The simple positive action repeated over time or simple error of of judgement repeated over time, compounded over time will make a difference
Start late, finish rich book
Eating a cheese burger now will not kill you, but will kill you over time, so have a health goals
The secret of time
Things build over time - patience is the key
The process: Plant, cultivate, harvest
We dont follow process, we want things right now
Gym - steroids, drugs
Money - play lottery
The most valuable gift you always have is - choice
a tiny beginning is important
start with a penny
1/3 of a percent example
A millionaire next door book
Two life paths
A curve either up or down
Success curve or failure curve
People on success curve take full responsibility, failure curve blame others
Mastering your life
Faces of Slight Edge
continuous improvement, learning, refinement
baby steps example
all babies are successful, they dont fail
they crawl till they walk, they dont give up
you steps off the path to masrtery
initially the curves travel near to each other and then separates
funeral - 10% cry, 50% leave the burriel if it rains, so dont be concerned about people n there thinking
Harness the power of momentum
steady wins the race
harness the power of completion
finish your unfinished projects and promises,
they are taking you to the past
finish the tasks one at a time
harness the power of habit
harness the power of reflection
being busy means not being productive
doing the right things create success
accountability of the things you do, bookkeeping what you did
harness the power of celebration
- Mastering Yourself
Invest time in your own personal development
Sharpening the axe, where to cut, angle, strength etc.
dont focus on results, results come last, focus on action, result will be guidance for sub-sequent actions
continuous learning
deciding is not doing, taking the first step & continue it is important
plan, do, review
Learn from the mentors, see what people of that field did or already doing, learn from them
- Turnig your dreams into reality
make it specific
go through it everyday
Write down the goal
give it a deadline
Write down 5 dreams
Write specifics about those dreams
Write a deadline for all the dreams
Plan it
plan, do, review
- Living the slight edge
Health goals
exercise for half an hour
Personal development
read 10 pages of a good book everyday
listen to audiobook - 15 min a day