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EDTC 6101 Module 7: Digital Diversity and Equity (: (: (Chapman:…
EDTC 6101 Module 7: Digital Diversity and Equity
Chapman: Implications for
learning technologies
16.5 Diversity, Learning Technologies, and Teaching
digital natives expect tech to be ubiquitous, accessible, flexible
Use a design methodology to determine student learning and cultural needs. (National Center on Universal Design for Learning 2012; Liu
2012; Parson et al. 2009; Pinkard 2000)--
appropriate and flexible tech--? what does this look like?
content disaggregated; students like hunter gatherers not audience: act as curators, reweaving content to construct meaning
diversity of teaching strategies needed: style, pedagogies, materials
Supporting emergent knowledge creation
Examples: What is a valid reference?
How would you summarize what you have learned from the digital
What variety of viewpoints is represented?
What is missing?
Questions seem no different?
Pedagogical advice also standard plus tech
learning styles
cultural diversity, multiple ways to demonstrate learning
videoconferencing guest speakers
student software design
student rating of tech diversity
universal design (Pinkard 2000)
16.4 The Convergence of Digital Technologies
and Learning Spaces
how to decide which spaces and technologies best serve a group of students?
collaboration across cultures
social construction of knowledge
increased control over customization of features, flexibility to create content, pacing and sequencing
virtual spaces plus digital technologies
16.6 Diversity, Learning Technologies, and Policymaking
Policymakers should establish a vision that incorporates
the growing relationship between the digital technologies, diversity, and educational enterprise. (294)
strategy should encompass:
teacher training that integrates tech with pedagogy
eval of selected technologies
collaboration with it professionals
allowing creativity/flexibility in teacher use/selex
better integration of providing access to tech with providing
equitable teaching/training and outcomes/teaching assessment
. Huysman and Wulf 2006; Culp, Honey, and Mandinach 2003
16.3 Learning, Culture, and Digital Technologies
Educators can successfully couple learning technologies and student cultural affordances to deepen student engagement, efficacy, and persistence (Wulf, Pipek, and Won, 2008
developer decisions informed by culture
technological design (created by policymaker and tech designer) has cultural assumptions that impact learners
need to consider how to support culturally diverse learners and practices
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culture: values and practices
16.7 Technology Designers: The Invisible Policymakers
cultural and learning assumptions of developers drive design of tech design and function, and therefore of learning
digital technologies should be relevant and customizable by learners (how? e.g. multilingual?)
policy considerations
Identify criteria for monitoring the success of your learning technology policies.
Develop policy guidelines for teacher professional development related to implementation of inclusive practices & pedagogies
appropriate differentiation in tech for the student demographics
flexibility for teachers use of tech
tech plan addresses diverse learning and teaching
ask vendors for customizable options
instructor cohort training and collaboration
vet proposed curricula for cultural diversity of learners
are spaces (blended) etc. accessible and inclusive and do teachers have appropriate resources to mediate spaces
Ensure information technology support staff and library staff are prepared to support teachers and administrators
16.2 Overview
diversity: identities and characteristics (learning style, teaching style, past experiences, cognitive ability
teacher pd essential
2 transformations: ubiquity of tech, diversity
"Must gain fluency in mapping technology affordances to learning objectives" (298)
16.8 The Ecology of Diversity and Learning Technologies
“ecology” = the active and evolving relationship between actors and their environments.
teachers equipped well to meet multiple learner needs
variety of learners supported
multiple, accessible, flexible, immersive technologies
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An unanswered question is how the need for standardization of delivery, as equity, competes with an ecological model. Ecologies have food chains.
16.1 Intro
The chapter provides ideas for effective
engagement with lesson content, encouraging student ownership of their learning experiences
(Stirling 2007) and identifying tools that enable teachers to leverage the benefits of
student diversity.
Jones & Bridges: Historical antecedents, current issues, and future trends
18.6 Current issues
role of digital media has grown
location for equalizing DD
initiative to get tech to schools has not yet created essential technology because tools too expensive and infrastructure unable to support devices
18.7 Tech integration and equity of access
Maine Learning Technology Foundation: governor vision plus funding plus administrative hub
budget included repair and update costs
effective implementation part of vision
school leadership team (uniform model) of faculty, coach, tech people
o question: what control does this foundation control give to corporate goals and values
school collaboration with corporations, libraries, nonprofits
Khan Academy
Mark Edwards
articulated a clear vision including the benefits and weaknesses of equity of access
another effective implementation
Apple and Dell partners
recognized that professional development for faculty was not “one size fits all” meant a better implementation
responsive to need for technology maintenance
Donovan, Green, and Hansen 2011
increased scores (not disaggregated)
1 to 1 laptops better opportunities for individualized instruction?
key ingredients include providing laptop computers, financial assistance for high‐speed Internet service, and, as discussed, teacher‐training programs. community provided low income home internet access
student access to educators in monitored educational chat rooms
67% African American graduation increase
Sugata Mitra: access without formal instruction
Nicholas Negroponte: OLPC
18.5 Issues in equity and access
OERs: access to info
UNESCO UN Edu, Sci and Cultural ORg
curriculum and materials, plus in higher edOpen CourseWare (digital publications organized as courses)
may be fostered by a discipline or ad hoc
transformative power is in ease of sharing
does involve a license: provide ability to reuse, revise, remix, redistrubite (MSU 2014)
Creative Commons Lic - 6 levels
iTunes U
Budapest Open Access Initiative
Access to devices
not all devices equal because of affordances
Jonassen: use of tech to solve complex problems, generate not just communicate knowledge
device only as good as the teaching; can be abused
TBL: US Dept of Labor Employment and Training Admin
18.8 Managing info
South Korean had planned to have its K-12 curriculum online by 2015
use of mobile phone as primary device in developing countries
Digital Universe Project
18.4 Digital divide
term coined in 1990s at NTIA; political platform
global understanding: different access to information and to unfiltered and unfettered info impacts international development and cooperation (331)
early computer models involved connectivity and anticipated potential connectivity of Internet as well as awareness of potential lack of access
Digital Divide Institute (
also used to describe access to learning technologies
18.9 Future directions
government/industry partnership
OERs and MOOCs
K-12 movement to provide access to both devices and info as major way to combat larger issues of inequity
increase in cost of access, against increase in acceptance and use of essential technology and OERs plus decrease in cost of devices
183 Antecedent
lantern slide technology gave access to visual, which impacted education; the visual became a staple
However, better funded and developed world schools have better access: DD
18.10 Lessons
cultivation and empowerment of both visionary top level and mid level leadership
planning that is comprehensive and encompasses maintenance and training
18.2 Equity of access
drastic increases in access 2000-2012; smallest = N. America
Free Ivy league MOOCs and for profit translations creating pressure; higher ed expanding online offerings
Equity and Access no longer a K-12 issue but an "essential tech" issue
technology defined as both devices and advances in thought that improve human learning (328)
18.11 Future research
researchers need big data analytics skills and data users commensurate skills
data gathering, monitor, evaluation of program strengths/weaknesses
training for learning technology grad / students
thus equity involves access
part of the mix are "sponsors" organizations of learning, as well as geography, economics, culture
equity is parity in info and tools