In this lecture, we learned that soil is not dirt. Dirt is something that is an annoyance and not of any use to someone. Soil is NOT dirt. Soil is this multi-layered ocean of microbes, nutrients, and other such resources. Soil is essential to us in the way that it plays a role in: water purification, contamination reduction, climate regulation, nutrient cycling, habitat, flood, regulation, pharmaceutical use, foundation for infrastructure, holds preserved artifacts of past culture, heritage, provision of food fiber and fuel, and carbon sequestration. If soil plays such a big role in our lives, the we should be protecting it. That, unfortunately, isn’t correct. We mistreat the soil that sustains life on Earth using poor farming practices, overuse of resources, and a disconnect with the knowledge available of soil. Because of this, we must educate ourselves about the soil and move towards solutions to the dying soils (Francisco Solismorales).