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AWS SAA (Analytics (Kinesis (Kinesis Services (Kinesis Streams (Producers…
EMR=Elastic MapReduce
You can shorten time for processing an EMR job by reducing the input split size in the MapReduce job configuration and then adjust the number of simultaneous mapper tasks so that more tasks can be processed at once
streaming data - data send continuously from many data sources (e.g. geospatial data like in uber app, or gaming)
Kinesis Services
Kinesis Firehose
data is not stored but automatically processed (there's no consumers), e.g. by Lambda
Quick Sight
for business analytics, for visualizing analysis results
NoSQL db
good for gaming, IoT, etc.
Automatically spreads across 3 geographically different data centres (user cannot specify which specific AZs should be used)
by default it uses Eventual Consistent Reads (consistency across all copies is reached within a 1 second)
DynamoDB allows for the storage of large text and binary objects, but there is a limit of 400 KB.
is fast
Advanced Compression - Columnar Data Can be compressed more effectively than row based data (it stores same type of data)
at rest AES 256
by default Redshift takes care of key management (but you can change it to AWS KMS or manage keys through HSM)
Management tools
Cloud watch
Default EC2 metrics
CPU related,
Disk related,
Network related,
status related
CloudWatch Events, e.g. a rule to update DNS when event is triggered
Cloud watch is for monitoring (performance), while CloudTrail is for auditing (what people are doing on your resources)
Cloud formation
Turns your infrastructure into code. In normal architecture you have switches, firewalls, services and so on and in cloud you have a document describing all those components. Responsible for it is Cloud Formation. You can deploy whole production environment using Cloud Formation templates.
Cloud trail
Audtiting your AWS activity. If something is changed (e.g. new service added/removed) the Cloud Trail is responsible for logging this information. Can be stored in S3 bucket
Monitors your configuration and warns you if specific configuration can broke your environment that you set
Trusted Advisor
Gives you recommendations, e.g. how to do cost optimization, performance optimization or security fixes in your environment.
Additional exam tips:
Key words
"chef", "recipes", "cookbook" -> OpsWork
EC2 instance in a public subnet is only publicly accessible if it has a public ip address or is behind an elastic load balancer.
Application Services
API Gateway
If you face problems with origin policy -> enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) on API Gateway
Storage Gateway
A virtual machine installed in your data center, which connects S3 with your data center
it's a compute service. You upload a code and Lambda takes care of provisioning and managing the servers to run your code.
You have to grant permissions to role assigned to your function, e.g. Simple Microservice permissions (without permissions it will not work)
Mobile Services
Mobile Hub
Allows to design mobile features, e.g data storage, way of authentication. It has its own mobile console
Simplify sign in and sign up - aloows to do it over 3rd parties (Social Identity Providers), e.g. Google. You have to give Google credenttials which are stored in Cognito and then you can log in over Cognito in other services (which allows for it)
AWS Organizations - account management service which allows you to consolidate multiple AWS accounts (by default up to 20; for more you have to contact Amazon) into an organization
Cloud Trail works per AWS account and is enabled per region. However you can consolidate logs using S3 bucket (it requires cross account access policy and enabling CloudTrail on each account)
allows you to get discounts (you use 600 GB instead of 2 accounts per 300 GB), better management
You're sending disks to Amazon and they deploy it to S3 or sth similar (or reverse - they will write sth to the disk)
3 main types
Snowball Edge
gives you also the compute capabilities. For example, the airplane engineer takes the snowball edge's box on the board and it's mounted as a disk. During the flight data about engines is collected and then send to Amzaon data centre. In the result you have in your cloud not only the data, but also the Lambda function.
before snowball there was an import export service where users were sending their own disks, but it was hard to manage for AWS