3D Videocommunication: Algorithms, concepts and real-time systems in human centred communication
O Schreer, P Kauff, T Sikora - 2005
The kinetic depth effect
H Wallach, DN O'connell - Documents of Gestalt Psychology, 1953
Multi-camera reconstruction and rendering for free-viewpoint video
B Goldlücke - 2005
Dynamic point samples as primitives for free-viewpoint video
S Würmlin - 2004
Free viewpoint video with image-based rendering
W Li - 2010
Three-dimensional television: capture, transmission, display
HM Ozaktas, L Onural - 2007
Three-dimensional computer vision: a geometric viewpoint
O Faugeras - 1993
Multiple view geometry in computer vision
R Hartley, A Zisserman - 2003
Depth-based image completion for view synthesis
J Gautier, O Le Meur, C Guillemot - … and Display of 3D Video …, 2011
View synthesis using stereo vision
D Scharstein - 1999
Three-dimensional television, video, and display technologies
B Javidi, F Okano - 2002
3D dynamic scene analysis: a stereo based approach
Z Zhang, O Faugeras - 2012
Multi-camera networks: principles and applications
H Aghajan, A Cavallaro - 2009
Image sequence processing and dynamic scene analysis
TS Huang - 2012
Computer vision: a modern approach
D Forsyth, J Ponce - 2011
Multiple view video streaming and 3D scene reconstruction for traffic surveillance
A Smolic, K Müller, M Droese, P Voigt… - … of WIAMIS 2003, 4th …, 2003
Digital video processing
AM Tekalp - 2015
Algorithms for image processing and computer vision
JR Parker - 2010
The 3D room: Digitizing time-varying 3D events by synchronized multiple video streams
T Kanade, H Saito, S Vedula - 1998
Incorporation of audio in virtualized reality
S Gupta, S Vedula, T Kanade - 2000
Understanding motion capture for computer animation and video games
A Menache - 2000
3D Videocommunication: Algorithms, concepts and real-time systems in human centred communication
O Schreer, P Kauff, T Sikora - 2005
Digital light field photography
R Ng - 2006
Photogrammetry: geometry from images and laser scans
K Kraus - 2007
Stereoscopic depth perception
M Eimer - Handbook of Perception and Action, 1996
Depth perception through motion
ML Braunstein - 2014
Image-based rendering
HY Shum, SC Chan, SB Kang - 2008
3D Video and Its Applications
Takashi Matsuyama, Shohei Nobuhara, Takeshi Takai - 2012
Vidéo 3D : Capture, traitement et diffusion
LUCAS Laurent, LOSCOS Céline, REMION Yannick - 2013
Video-Based Rendering
Marcus A. Magnor - 2005
Image and Geometry Processing for 3-D Cinematography
Rémi Ronfard, Gabriel Taubin - 2010
Vision, Modeling, and Visualization
Leif Kobbelt - 2006
3D Video: From Capture to Diffusion
Laurent Lucas, Céline Loscos, Yannick Rémion - 2013
3D Television (3DTV) Technology, Systems, and Deployment
Daniel Minoli - 2010
Time-of-flight cameras: principles, methods and applications
M Hansard, S Lee, O Choi, RP Horaud - 2012
Concurrent Stereo Reconstruction
MR Oswald - 2007 - vision.cs.tum.eduLidar point cloud and stereo image point cloud fusion
by PL Basgall - 2013 Matching and compressing sequences of visual hulls
N Goela - 2004 - dspace.mit.eduVirtual Video Camera: a System for Free Viewpoint Video of Arbitrary ...
https://graphics.tu-bs.de/upload/people/.../Christian_Lipski_Dissertation_preprint.pdfLAMP: 3D layered, adaptive-resolution, and multi-perspective ...
by Z Zhu - 2004 Development of Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality Environment for Two-Player Table Tennis
Y Li - 2012 - clok.uclan.ac.ukVolumetric features for video event detection
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campar.in.tum.de/Students/DaMarschReal-time arbitrary view rendering on GPU from stereo video and time-of-flight camera
by TK ATEŞ - 2010 Depth-based Multi-View 3D Video Coding - DTU Orbit
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by B Hewko - 2016 Intramediary presence : body, interactivity and networked distribution in immersive virtual reality art
By MATTHEW MCGINITY - 2014Virtual competencies and film
by Sean Uyehara - 2013