
Where and why do people move?

How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places?

What obstacles do immigrants face when living in a new country

Migration: movement from one part of something to another

People has move to a different country from their own country for a better life, better conditions, education, and better jobs to work.

Push/Pull Factors: reasons for people to leave/move out or come/move to a new country

The pull factors is to find safety, opportunity, stability, and freedom. The push factors is to leave because of poverty, fear, disasters and unemployment.

Economic: Relating to, or based on the production, distribution, consumption of goods, and services

The economic need workers that immigrants who comes in a new country to start a new life they'll start to work for those who need employees and will get pay for the job they do.

Internal Migration: Moving from one place to another place within the same country

People who lives around the world they'll stay within that place because they like the climate or the environment. For example, in the U.S, California people wouldn't like to go live in Minnesota due its cold weather.

International Migration: When people migrate from one country to another

For example: People from Mexico go to the U.S.A. to have have a better life which is a common reason why they come.

Chain Migration: One in which a population migrates (or immigrates) from one location to the next, then continually brings people from their home to this new place

For example, Hmong has migrated to the U.S.A for many years now that people who has already settled in, they'll bring over their family from Thailand/Laos to come in and register them to experience the America.

Migration Stream: When a large number of people from a specific ethnic group move from one destination to another in search of better jobs, more opportunity or a safer place to live, it creates a migration pattern

A large of number of people who has move to a destination is the Karen that its population is increasing in St. Paul, Minnesota. It seems like they’re finding jobs to work in to help themselves to have a better life.

Emigrant: A person who leaves (exits) a country


Brain Gain: A poor country might end up losing its educated minority to other richer countries, due to immigration

Assimilation/Acculturation: The process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group, and lose their own distinctiveness


Voluntary Migration: Moving by choice

Immigrant: A person who comes into (enters) a country

Emigration: the act of leaving a country

Environmental: The natural conditions that affect our lives:
Healthy or unhealthy factors in our food, water systems, land, homes, and air.

Involuntary Migration: Forced to move

Remittances: Money or its equivalent sent from one place to another

Immigrants that has move in adapt where they live for many years that the American language (English) is a common language that most of the people start to lose their own native language just by living in the America.

Brain Drain: When a nation loses its people to another country, it also loses its talented people

People who migrate has adapt the environment by where they’re living at and know the famous holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. People move in what makes them comfortable and what makes their life better. People can change their behavior like listening to people that are talking to show respect .

Many immigrants has to move out due to war or the government wants them to own the land where they are living that many of th immigrants have to fled to a new area to live at.

A Hispanic person leaves Mexico to the U.S.A, finds a job and work for couple of years to save up to import its children from Mexico to the U.S.A in order to have a new life/ new start.

The emigration of immigrants leaves their their own country due to war, unsafe area and disasters that happen that makes the immigrants to leave their country. They will have to face where to find an area to keep them safe for the time being for help.

Family sends money to thier relative or another family to their desination is at that they give enough money to them for supplies they need like buying rice/food for themselves so they won’t starve to death. In this situation, the family who needs money is poor and bad environment and needs help so one of its family making money will give them money for support.

The environment where most immigrants leave their area due to natural disasters that can be that the house has been crash down and there’s no food resources around where they live at anymore they’ll want to leave for better resources.

The U.S and Mexico border where no immigrants coming over to the U.S for specific reason that the world is overly protesting to have immigrant come and not have them not come.

Immigrants who are well educated goes to other country reaching their goal for their desire of how educated they are so they’ll move to be the top

There’s many talented people who are skilled professional and well educated in the world that goes to another country to benefit them to achieve their goal as who they are. That country loses their talented people who are reaching their goals .

Many people in the America are immigrants that the America is a diverse country that many around the world comes to America. Many immigrants face a lot of things where they’ll get check about their background and hows their education is. They will go many processes in order to be a citizen in the United States.

Immigrants move to another place/country for jobs opportunities, better home, better education and start anew life by their choice to where they want to go