Science Fiction: *The following [35] examples are not organized in numerical order, rather they are given as slight variations within the umbrella topics. *There may be reoccurring themes so I have made dotted connections to show that these themes can be almost interchangeable in all of these sub categories. For instance there may be some similarities/crossover(s) between Robot Science Fiction and Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction plot lines
Hard Science Fiction: Science fiction in which science and technology take center-stage, or in which scientific concepts are explained in detail. hard SF is typically concept heavy, and attempts to provide scientific realism, often at the expense of character development and plot. This may take place with aliens, time travel, space exploration, etc.
Example: 1**Space exploration** . Legacy
By Greg Bear - a group of human colonists use "The Way" to set foot on a forbidden planet called Lamarkia. There they find life forms never known before, including a single genetic entity that can take many forms, and even span a continent.
Soft Science Fiction: Science fiction in which science and technology take a back-seat to character-driven plots. In soft SF, the how is much less important than the why.
This term is applied liberally to Sci Fi that deals with the soft sciences, social sciences and those that are concerned with human affairs, and to Sci Fi that is less concerned about science and more about humanity.
Space Opera pace opera backgrounds may vary considerably in scientific plausibility. Most space operas conveniently violate the known laws of physics by positing some form of faster-than-light travel. Many space operas diverge even more from known physical reality, and not uncommonly invoke paranormal forces, or vast powers capable of destroying whole planets, stars, or galaxies.
Example 2 Government Sci-fi: Orbital Decay
By Allen Steele - beamjacks (construction workers) discover that their current project is secretly part of a new snooping program from the United States’ National Security Agency, they decide to fight for our right to privacy–against their own government.
Example 3. Over Populated Planet Space Adventures- Spinneret
By Timothy Zahn - Earth is getting overpopulated. To solve this problem, humans send starships into the universe to find a new planet. But the universe itself is very crowded, and most places are already inhabited.
Example 4 Artificial intelligence. The Matrix Trilogy A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers. #
Example 5. Technology (dream tech)Inception (2010): A thief, who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology, is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CEO.
Example 6. Mindbridge
By Joe Haldeman
- New technology allows exploration far across the galaxy. Jacque LeFavre is exploring an unpromising planet when he discovers a creature with telepathic powers.
New Technology for Space Exploration/Telepathic Science Fiction
Example 7. Gravity (2011): Two astronauts work together to survive after an accident which leaves them alone in space. Stranded in Space Science Fiction #
Example 8: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). After an accidental encounter with otherworldly vessels, an ordinary man follows a series of psychic clues to the first scheduled meeting between representatives of Earth and visitors from the cosmos. Alien Encounter here on Earth
Example **9: Source Code (2011): A soldier wakes up in someone else's body and discovers he's part of an experimental government program to find the bomber of a commuter train. A mission he has only 8 minutes to complete. This depicts a hybrid of Inception many other types of science fiction. I would label this as Mind Transfer Science Fiction**
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Robot Science Fiction...Biorobotics is referred to as a theoretical discipline of comprehensive genetic engineering in which organisms are created and designed by artificial means. The creation of life from non-living matter for example, would be biorobotics. Because of its mostly theoretical status it is presently limited to science fiction
Example 9iRobot (2004): In 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. Technology and Robotics Science Fiction Robot Fiction
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Ex. 10. Space Exploration Planet of the Apes (1968): An astronaut crew crash-lands on a planet in the distant future where intelligent talking apes are the dominant species, and humans are the oppressed and enslaved.
Dystopia: starts by rejecting the idea that "scientific advance" with automatically bring about a superior civilization; the dreamed-up reality might, in fact, be as corrupt and unjust as the darker days of our own world. #
Example 12:Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985): After being exiled from the most advanced town in post apocalyptic Australia, a drifter travels with a group of abandoned children to rebel against the town's queen.
Example 13: The Star Wars Franchise
Example 14:A Boy and His Dog (1975) Vic is a 18-year-old traversing the post-apocalyptic desert of 2024, in the company of his telepathic dog, Blood. #
Example 16 Slip Stream Science FictionThe Giver(1993 (Twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a seemingly ideal world. Not until he is given his life assignment as the Receiver does he begin to understand the dark secrets behind this fragile community.
Example 17 First contact Science Fiction The Abyss (1989): A civilian diving team is enlisted to search for a lost nuclear submarine and face danger while encountering an alien aquatic species. This is Yet again Aliens on Earth, this time aquatic alien life.
Example 17 - Different Type of Space OperaThe First Lensman: A super-intelligent alien race gives worthy members of the Galactic Patrol a “Lens” that gives the wearer telepathic and other powers, and makes them prone to encountering exciting adventures . #
Steam Punk: merges the science fiction genre with alternate history and the design aesthetic of the 19th and early 20th Centuries. It is a literary genre, a style of dress and an artistic movement all rolled into one.
Example 11 Frankenstein - by Mary Shelley – 1818 This is argued as the first bio punk science fiction book
Example 18 2. 9 (2009): A rag doll that awakens in a post-apocalyptic future holds the key to humanity's salvation. Also categorized as a steam punk film #
Example 20 Cyber Punk The Ghost in the Shell: Deep into the twenty-first century, the line between man and machine has been inexorably blurred as humans rely on the enhancement of mechanical implants and robots are upgraded with human tissue.
**Example 19 Terra Forming Science Fiction (2015 The Martian
From all the Steam Punk and Cyber Punk have evolved many forms and sub categories I will quickly list
Example 21 Nano Punk: Nanopunk is closely related to cyberpunk and biopunk, but focuses mainly on the use of microscopic machinery (or nanotechnology)
Example 22 Bio Punk Biopunk is similar to cyberpunk, except that it focuses on the use of bio-technology and genetic engineering rather than computer technology. Genetic manipulation, body modification and eugenics are all common themes in biopunk literature, as are social decline and political repression.
Example 23 Super Heros (American Comics Such as DC and Marvel
A quick cousin to Gothic Science Fiction for Example 24Gothic Science Fiction is a macabre sub-genre that crosses Sci Fi and Gothic literatures. Gothic Sci Fi tends to have the same atmospheric qualities of Gothic literature, but does not delve into the depths of horror. The sub-genre takes typical elements of Gothic literature and explains them scientifically. Some examples of common characteristics of Gothic fiction: mystery, the supernatural, haunted houses, castles, darkness, death and decay, romance madness, monsters.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with intelligent behavior, learning and adaptation in machines. Research in AI is concerned with producing machines to automate tasks requiring intelligent behavior.
Examples 25 Nano Technology Robot Uprise by Daniel H. Wilson
Example 26 Near Future Science Fiction Near-future science fiction takes place in the present day or in the next few decades #
Example 26 Christian Science Fiction - Christian science fiction is a subgenre of both Christian literature and science fiction, in which there are strong Christian themes, or which are written from a Christian point of view.
Example 27 Virtual Reality Christian science fiction is a subgenre of both Christian literature and science fiction, in which there are strong Christian themes, or which are written from a Christian point of view. an example of that is TRON (2010) or The matrix as previously mentioned [ref. Ex. 4] #
Example 28 Utopia Utopia is realized, in Science Fiction, when humanity become sufficiently advanced that war and other unpleasant things are no longer needed or technology has dispensed with all things unpleasant in society. Not all Utopian stores are Sci Fi, some are only social and political explorations of utopian society. Ex. Men Like Gods by H.G. Wells ... Utopia comes with with no guarantee of a happy ending."
Example 29 Time Travel Time travel can be found berifly in quite a few sub genres, but I think it's important to mention since it comes in so many ways.
Example 32 Time Travel with Robots TERMINATOR MOVIES
Example 31 Intellectual Time Travel Donny Darko (2001)
Example 32 Pulp Fiction - Often referred to as "the pulps"), were inexpensive fiction magazines. They were widely published from the 1920s through the 1950s. The term pulp fiction can also refer to mass market paperbacks since the 1950s.
Singularity or becoming one with the "machines" is a hot topic for Science Fiction fans as well.
Example 24 Bicentennial Man: Bicentennial Man" follows the life and times of Andrew, a robot purchased as a household appliance programmed to perform menial tasks. As Andrew begins to experience emotions and creative thought, the Martin family soon discovers they don't have an ordinary robot. #
Example 33: Science Fiction Video Games: HALO (by Microsoft & Bungie)
Example 34 Alien contact for kids : E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Example 35 Alien /Thriller ALIEN (1979) In deep space, the crew of the commercial starship Nostromo is awakened from their cryo-sleep capsules halfway through their journey home to investigate a distress call from an alien vessel. The terror begins when the crew encounters a nest of eggs inside the alien ship. #