Present Perfect and Past Perfect

Past Participle

Listening : Ex2 P.82

Book Ex 1 and 3 p. 81-82

Present Perfect with Since and for

Book Ex 5, 6 , 7 and, 9 p. 84-85 and 86

Pairwork: Conversation Ex 8 P.85

Negative, question, and short-answer forms

Book: Ex 11 p.87

Listening Ex 12 P. 88

Interview Ex 13 p. 88

Interview and paragraph Ex 14 p. 89

Present Perfect with unspecified time

Book: EX 16 and 18 p.91 and 92

Listening: Ex 17, 19 and 20 p.91-93

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect

Book Ex. 22, 23, 24 p. 94-95

Pairwork: Conversation, Ex 25 p.96

Game: Ex. 27 p.97

Listening: Ex 26 p. 97

Present Perfect Progressisve

Book: Ex 29 p.99

Let´s talk: Ex 30 P.99

Listening: Ex 31 p.100

Present Perfect Progressive vs. Present Perfect

Ex 33, 35 and 38 p.102-105

Listening: Ex. 34, 36 and 37 page 104

Reading: Ex 39 P.106

Past Perfect

Book: Ex 42 p. 109

Listening Ex. 43 P.110

Notebook: Ex 44. P.110