Two categories of multisensory flavour: (different brain mechanisms associated in these two cases)
1) exteropceptive senses of vision, audition,
and orthonasal olfaction - typically stimulated prior to and during consumption of food (MORE COMPLEX COMBINATION OF CUES TO INTERPRET THAT)
one important cue is expectancy effects (Deliza MacFie 1997, Hutchings 2003, Cardello 2007)
colour and visual form of the food - 'eye appeal is half the meal' or the orthonasal olfactory cues and distal food sounds (sizzle of the steak)
setting up powerful expectation regarding the food that the diner is about to eat.
2) interoceptive senses of taste, retronasal smell, oral-somatosenation and sounds associated with the consumption of food - stimulated while a diner is eating (MORE AUTOMATIC)