HIV/ AIDS Predictors of disease progression
-Oral candidiasis (one of the biggest indiction)
-Herpes simplex: located anywhere, persistent (uncontrolleled and seen wide spread)
-Herpes zoster: similar to unaffected individuals
Hairy leukoplakia( caused by EBV)
-Human papillomavirus: not responsive to anti-viral therapy
-Kaposi sarcoma: neoplasm of vascular tissue, HHV 8, more resistant to therapy. (in HVI pt it does not respond well)
-Lymphoma: oral masses (ulcerated, non-ulcerated, or necrotic)
-Aphthous ulcers: major
-Gingival and Periodontal Disease:Linear gingival erythema. Non-responsive to usual treatments. Spontaneous bleeding, petechiae-like lesions on attached gingiva, and an erythematous band
Gingival and Periodontal Disease: NUP: Pain, spontaneous bleeding, interproximal necrosis, and interproximal cratering
Necrotizing stomatitis: focal bone loss
Salivary gland enlargement